The Warehouse ✅

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"Hahaha!" Yuu laughed, his voice ringing out loudly in the empty club. (Y/N) sat with her arms folded and head resting on them, groaning as she sat up straight. "Don't laugh at me, it's not funny!" She demanded, her words echoing just as loud as Yuu's did, or maybe even more from the volume of her tone.

Shinya, who for the last 5 minutes had been laughing uncontrollably, had begun to wipe at his eyes and regain his breathing. "I can't believe you left your bag with him," he began before chuckling a little more. "I also can't believe you had a tissue full of red paint in there and he texted you about it!" He screeched. "Ugh, can you both stop. Seriously, it's so embarrassing. He thought it was blood or something." She groaned, recalling the event in her head.

"Ugh stop, just thinking about it gives me anxiety. For hours I thought I genuinely left a damn bloodied tissue in my bag. I completely forgot about the paint until Makoto mentioned my artwork this morning". She whined, he (H/C) hair was pulled back into a high pony tail. Her outfit consisted of the royal green tunic she wore for work, with black slacks and black shoes. "Forget it, when's Guren getting back anyway, he said he wanted to talk to me about this mission". She groaned before looking pointedly at Yuu, "and why exactly are you here?"

Yuu looked caught off guard for a moment before smugly pointing to himself, "Guren said I can join in with this mission too!" he proclaimed before Shinya slapped him on the back, "you'll be in the van with Kimizuki and I. (Y/N) and Narumi are the only ones going in."

(Y/N) sighed before checking the clock. "He told me to be here an hour ago and told me not to be late, so why does he get to be late?" She whined slightly to Shinya, who was restocking the bottom bar. "It was a last minute emergency, couldn't be helped" he explained before giving her a glass of water. "It's not really that interesting to be honest with you, you're both basically getting intel from as many people as you can. Without being obvious, of course" the silver haired man added before smirking at the girl, "you and Narumi will be acting as a couple of bidders at The Vampires ball event. There are two bidding rooms at the warehouse you will be going to. One is for external bidders, this is the one you and Narumi will be ushered to, and one is for their more... eccentric buyers. You'll both have to get in there somehow and ruin the event." Shinya concluded before shrugging slightly, "see, not so bad."

The (H/C) haired girl cocked an eyebrow. "So basically, you want me and Maki-chan to get into the warehouse in the first place, without an invitation, and sneak from one room to another, all in the want to sabotage their shady business deals?" She questioned, her hand picked up the glass of water that Shinya issued to the girl prior to their conversation. "Well, yeah. There is more, but I'll let Guren tell you that." He answered, removing the empty bottles of alcohol off of the counter of the bar and wiping it down with a cloth.

"So you spoke to Shinya." Guren said finally. He had entered the nightclub only minutes before the start of the conversation and beckoned (Y/N) over to his office to divulge the plan to her. "I have. He said something about a warehouse and stopping the business transactions between The Vampires and their associates." The girl stated before tilting her head up, a silent indication for Guren to continue explaining the rest of the mission. "I want you both to steal a few of the valuable auction items, along with the- let's say illegal- objects they have for sale." Guren explained. His hands cupping each side of his face as he leant forward in his chair, a dark shadow covering his face as he became more serious, "it's a dangerous mission, kid. That's why I want you and Narumi to go. You're not young enough to actually get hurt and not old enough to be recognised by our enemies." (Y/N) sighed, her (E/C) eyes closed momentarily as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'm glad I'm no longer suspended-" She began before being interrupted by Guren chuckling and muttering about how she obviously didn't find a hobby, "-but this just seems too dangerous. I've heard from Shinya that he, Shiho and Yuu will all be in a van nearby, but it just seems like we're putting ourselves at risk for no reason..."

Guren chuckled again, this time bitterly. "Tell me about it, brat. But orders are orders, and this is what Kureto wants. Just be careful and leave immediately if you think they're onto you." He warned before shooing her out of his office and into the main bar area.

The area was vacant except for the four bodies by the bar. Yuu and Kimizuki seemed to be dressed in all black, with the latter demanding Yuu to wear a black beanie to hide his hair. "You've already been spotted once. If they see you again then they'll kill us all!" Kimizuki yelled, grabbing the beanie and pulling each side down and onto Yuu's head. "And I said that I'll be inside the van and they won't see me!" The black haired boy argued back, trying to pull the beanie off of his head. Shinya, who wore a similar outfit to both boys, sighed before telling Kimizuki that it wasn't necessary for someone who was staying in the back of the van to wear a hat too. "I mean, if we were leaving the van I'd tell you to wear the hat too, Yuu. But seeing as you're both staying in the back of the van and giving orders to (Y/N) and Narumi, then it's not necessary to wear one."

Narumi sat at the bar and drank a glass of lemonade as he scrolled through his phone, "Shusaku and the others are in place. All me and (Y/N) need to do is get changed and head on over there" he said, downing the glass of lemonade before grabbing his bag off of the bar stool beside him and making his way to the male staff changing area. "Well (Y/N), shouldn't you be going too?" Shinya asked, his usual cheerful smile on his face. "Yeah," she began before sighing hard. 'I just don't have a good feeling about this.' She thought looking at Shinya, "I suppose I should."

The ride over to the auction warehouse was long and tiring. Outside looked like any other ship warehouse. Crate boxes outside, huge steel door, it was the typical place to hold a shady auction if you were to ask (Y/N). But the interior, on the other hand, looked far to misplaced and extravagant to even be considered as the inside of a shipping warehouse. With luxurious white walls, red tapestries and curtains, and the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, it was hard to imagine that the outside was anywhere near a docking station. "Woah..." Narumi gawked, his mouth hanging open slightly before he shut it and coughed in a nervous gesture. "Who would've thought that the inside would've looked like this" He asked rhetorically. "And this place looks bigger on the inside! How did they manage that?"

(Y/N) sighed, the small strand of curled hair blowing upwards slightly with the force as the rest of her hair stayed in place as it was styled in a high, messy bun. "We need to hand in our tickets and head to the other room," the female mentioned before being bumped into. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I didn't see you there at all" came a voice from below her. Looking down, the 18 year old female saw what could only be described as an aristocratic child, if the suit and top hat were anything to go by.

The female blinked once, twice, before nodding her head, "I didn't see you either, sorry about that." She finally said. The boy, no more than 14 nodded once in a stern manner before walking past the guards and entering the second room: the one for Mafia associations.

"We can't just walk in here!" Narumi whisper-shouted to (Y/N), before being shushed. "There was no one at the door so it's fine. Besides, we look the part and can blend in when needs be. They won't notice" she argued before grabbing Narumi's wrist and dragging him through the body of respectable looking people. A man appeared on the stage wearing a black tuxedo and a white half-mask. "Now," he started, grinning also maniacally at the audience, "let's bring out our first item for auction!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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