Hobbies ✅

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Red stained her hands and the floor around her. The tool in her right hand was saturated in the crimson liquid from the force that was used to complete the mission in front of her. "I don't want to clean this up!" She whined, throwing down the paint brush and frowning at her poor attempts to paint a car.

Narumi, a paramedic on the same university programme as the female and a member of JIDA, scoffed lightly, "you better clean it up, this is my house after all!" He warned, throwing wipes and cloths at the female who laughed at the brunet. "Maki-chan, if you thought I was going to be responsible for my own actions just because this is your house, then you were clearly mistaken."

The male had set up his little work station in his living room, the same place (Y/N) had decided to ruin with paint and glitter, and tried to work on the essay he had been set about the importance of communication. "Look," he began, pulling out the bobble that constricted his hair and re-doing it. "We both have the same essay and when you said you needed an empty room to do work I thought you meant university work, not whatever that's supposed to be." Snorting slightly at the horrified face of the female, Makoto stood up and walked over to her. "Painting obviously isn't your thing. Probably choose something less creative."

The female hit his shoulder with her clean hand and huffed, "I have an entire week off and nothing to do. I will find a hobby even if it kills me." She vowed, pushing the paints back into the small crafting box and continued to wipe down the wooden floor. Narumi laughed, "speaking of you dying," the beginning of his sentence earned him a glare from the recipient of the conversation, "how about joining a sport?"

"A sport?" She repeated, the word sounding foreign on her tongue as if she had never thought to try such a thing. "The most exercise I do is walking from my bed to the kitchen for food. So no, I don't want to try this 'sport' you speak of." She commented dramatically before handing Narumi the box of paint and brushes. "A gift."

Makoto laughed before placing the box on a seat and shaking his head. "Hurry up and leave, I have stuff to do and if you don't want to do your essay that's your problem, not mine." He said, slowly pushing the girl towards the door. "Fine," She drawled before grabbing her bag from the counter top without stopping, "I'll leave and go find a hobby. Have fun doing work, nerd."

Leaving Narumi's apartment, the female wandered the streets looking for something to do. There were no new ideas pertaining to hobbies as she stuck her hands into her pockets and began to make her way to her next destination.


A text alert made her phone vibrate in her pocket a little, forcing the girl to check her phone. A text?, the girl thought suspiciously, I wonder who would be texting me at eleven in the morning? The number had not been saved to her phone, but luckily the person had left their name in the text.

"Hey, (Y/N). Sorry for not texting you yesterday like I promised, something came up on the job. I was wondering if you wanted to get coffee as an apology for making you wait. Crowley." The girl re-read the message before smiling slightly, "what am I even doing?" She asked herself rhetorically.

Honestly, she didn't know. "He's a police officer. If he finds out my job then I'm screwed," she mumbled to herself before saving the number and texting him back. "I'm free all week, might as well enjoy it." She commented as she texted him a time and place. "But for now," she began, huffing slightly at the building in front of her, "I suppose learning how to ice skate will do."

The rink was cold and practically empty, except for the few couples and families skating around, as the female waited. "Ah, (Y/N)! So you decided to come after all. My, you're sure lucky to have such a good teacher for today!" The voice behind her called.

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