Sanguinem ✅

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A sleek black dress? She sighed, brushing out the gathering material that was already riding up her thighs. It's sexy and all, but it's not very practical if we needed to leave immediately.

The colour scheme of Sanguinem was almost the exact opposite as the one for Demon Army. The white building stood tall and proud in front of the curly (H/C) haired beauty. The windows and doors painted black to highlight the whiteness of the building.

"Ma'am, can I see your ID?" One of the bouncers asked in a bored tone. His neck-length black hair was tied back into a ponytail, leaving his bangs to cling around his face. "Sure thing!" The underaged teen said with mock-excitement as she reached into the matching black clutch purse and pulled out the fake ID Guren had given her.

As she walked inside she heard a conversation between both bouncers. "René, we should keep an eye on that green eyed kid. He looks far too young to be here, even if his ID is real". The other bouncer said, motioning towards an absentminded Yuu. "Yuu," the woman whispered as she walked in, gaining his attention. "Lay low for a while. The bouncers are onto you". She informed, gaining a nod for an answer.

Going separate ways, she headed towards the bar and ordered a bottle of Kopparberg Cider. Here we go. She thought eyeing up the future victim. Lucal Wesker, an associate of human trafficking and is believed to be apart of the mafia gang: The Vampires.

The girl leaned forward on the bar, slowly sipping the 500ml bottle of cider in her hand. Lucal Wesker, from across the bar, made eye contact with her. She smiled lightly as she placed the now empty bottle onto the bar without removing her eyes from his, and with as much charm and flirtation as she could muster, winked at the man.

Contact had been engaged between the two and the invitation for conversation was accepted with nothing more than a smirk and sauntering towards his pray for the evening. "Why hello there, my dear." He greeted, taking off his top hat and bowing slightly to the girl in front of him.

The (H/C) haired girl held back her grimace by covering her mouth and faking a giggle. "Oh my, hello yourself." she played, offering him the seat next to her.

Hours, that honestly felt like years to the poor girl, later. Lucal Wesker had offered her a ride home, and who was she to refuse? Other than the assassin sent to kill him. "Sure, I'd be more than pleased to accompany you to your house" she answered flirtatiously as she teased his arm with light strokes from her fingers.

Just as they were about to leave a silver haired man appeared from behind the bar. "Ah, Lucal Wesker, leaving already? The shows about to begin!" The man enthused before handing the girl another Kopparberg. "I saw you drinking this earlier. Stay and enjoy yourself a little more before doing the deed", the man laughed before winking at the stunned girl and giving her a knowing smirk.

Did he know? She asked herself. He couldn't know, right? He didn't mean me killing him when he said "deed", no he meant...

"Well, I suppose we should stay a little longer!" Wesker said with an air of finality, before ordering another drink from the bartender named 'Ferid', who was still watching the (E/C) eyed girl with mirth.

There goes that plan, The 18 year old sighed heavily before pulling out her phone and giving Shinya the code letter 'X', signalling a failed mission and immediate evacuation. It seemed far too easy to begin with. Somethings not right here and it doesn't feel safe to continue on with it.

Just as the clock struck midnight, all the lights in the room cut off. A scream pieced the air, then another, then another. "What the f-" someone shouted before inevitably being cut off. The female jumped up from her seat ready to attack, only to have Lucal Wesker grab her arm, "now, now. No need to leave so soon, the shows just about to begin." He said, a chilling smile painted on his face.

As soon as the lights turned back on, however, the scene before her left her baffled. The dance floor was packed, unlike before, as everyone had moved to stand around it or on it and the DJ had changed to a short girl with pink hair. The songs were also switched from cheesy pop songs to electronic remixes.

The (S/C) skinned girl stared in bewilderment "what?" She whispered in confusion, more towards the room itself rather than an individual person. As she turned to her right, Lucal Wesker was now furiously whispering with an older man besides him. From the expression on his face, he did not seem happy about the conversation whatsoever.

Why did everyone scream? Is that little girl really that good of a DJ? The girl mused, looking around a bit more until her (E/C) orbs were met with crimson. He stared back with just as much bewilderment. His hair was as red as blood and was styled short in the front and platted in the back. He was a muscular man who, like most people at Sanguienam that evening, was donned in all white.

"-and I think we should be going soon. Krul will be starting shortly and I really don't like her- Hey, are you listening?" Wesker asked, looking irritated by the fact that the females attention was somewhere else.

Coughing lightly, the female smiled at the long haired man before frantically waving her hands, "actually, my brothers just texted me and demanded I go to his house. He's picking me up, sorry." The female lied, standing up and fixing her dress again. "I must be going".

As the new remixes began to echo around the club, the beautifully clad woman began to make her way towards the door, only to have her arm gently grabbed from behind. "Hey, can you help me out, I'm a little lost in your eyes," came a voice from behind her. "Oh?" She said, spinning around to see her assailant, "but my eyes weren't facing yours." She countered, eyeing the redhead from earlier up and down.

His white pants were tightly fitted, as was his black button up shirt. Both articles of clothing accentuated the already obvious muscles on the man's body. The glass of whiskey in his hand, the hand that wasn't loosely gripping her forearm, was only half full with the remaining liquid giving off a golden glow as strobe lights flashed above them.

"Crowley." He introduced with an air of confidence and slight flirtation. "(Y/N)" She offered, before removing the glass of whiskey from his hand and downing it in one gulp, her eyes never once left his.

He laughed, ushering her over to the opposite end of the bar from where she was before. "Say, I seem to have lost my phone number, do you mind if I get yours?" He flirted as he handed her his phone, coaxing a genuine laugh from the shorter female. "Do you often use cheesy pick-up lines?" She asked, inserting her details into his phone. Crowley smirked lightly before taking back his phone, "not usually," he admitted, "only on women who take my fancy".

She hummed gently, tracing her fingers lightly on his muscular arms, "hmm, that's got to be often, right?" She asked rhetorically as she eyed him. The redhead chuckled slightly before whispering in her ear, "you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen".

The (H/C) haired girl smirked lightly, shaking her head as she batted him away. "You're really cheesy," she told him before laughing a little more and finishing her sentence, "exaggeration will get you nowhere."

Crowley reached over to her with languid movement. The tips of his fingers softly brushing the (H/C) curles out of her face and behind her ear. "I'm not one to exaggerate much, I know too many people like that already," He said flashing a grin at the woman before him and then turning his head slightly to glance at the bartender behind the bar. "Believe me when I tell you that you're-", however, as Crowley opened his mouth to continue his answer, the lights shut off again, although this time, the music did too.

In the few seconds of chaos and unanswered questions the darkness brought only one fatal sound which was enough to make the room erupt into screams of fright. As the lights came back on, Lucal Wesker was slumped against the bar, wine in hand and bullet in brain, and on the other side of the gun stood an all too familiar face.


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