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Four weeks had passed and both Eva and Terrell had gotten to know each other during their smoke breaks, either after their duties or because Eva began conforming towards Ross' needs, and as a result he became more lenient, not just on the two of them but everyone else around him.

Of course, being Eva, she'd only been doing this so that he'd be able to trust her. Along with dismissing any suspicion of the hook ups between Terrell and herself.

The more she stayed around with Terrell, the more her infatuation towards the doctor drifted away. Sex didn't feel the same to her anymore, though Ross and his clouded mind wasn't able to tell the difference.

"Your bob really does bring out your neck," Terrell mumbled, lowering his lips towards her bare neck on which he began planting light kisses. "And your collarbones." He went down towards her prominent collarbones, a small smirk appearing on his lips as he lightly kissed them.

Eva laid back, sighing as the touch of his soft lips brought goosebumps across her arms and legs, good ones of course. She looked at how concentrated Terrell seemed, his eyes locked on her pale body intently, his thick brows furrowed together while his soft, pink lips made contact with her body.

It seemed like the perfect life she'd dreamt of while she was sixteen, in bed with her then boyfriend. The idea of being free from her mother and grandmother's strict rules was the only thing on her mind. Her vivid flashbacks of that one time she punished Eva began to wash through her mind in waves.

His hand rested under her breast, head on her chest. It was the summer before junior year. The two of them came back to an empty residence of the Richards, Marlene – Eva's mother – being the matriarch. Eva's eyes lazily stared at the 'glow in the dark' stars plastered on her ceiling, while her boyfriend slept on her chest after a drug and alcohol fueled night.

The footsteps charging upstairs should've been a warning sign for the girl to wake her boyfriend up and tell him to leave, in fear of the belt-beating her mother would've unleashed upon her, but she just laid there – continuing to look upwards.

Eva was only alerted by the sound of her door being swung open, an angry Marlene standing on the opposite end. Her light blue eyes seemed enlarged, evident of the heavy cocaine use if not the powder still remaining on her the tip of her nose.

This prompted Eva to struggle getting up, her boyfriend's now unconscious body laying above her.

"What did I tell you about bringing him over?" Her mother roared, causing the girl to panic.

"Jake! Get off of me!" Eva muttered, her eyes beginning to get wet as the thought of her mother hitting her again caused her to become more terrified than she already was.

Suddenly, the boy began to twitch on top of her, coughing up a little vomit. Eva gagged at the action, turning him around so he was now laying on his back, whereas she was away from him.

"What the fuck?" Marlene spoke quietly, walking over to the boy and looking over him.

The girl walked over to him, pushing her mom aside. She held onto his shoulder blades, struggling to lift him up so he wouldn't suffocate on his own vomit.

However, Marlene intervened, pulling her daughter away from the boy and restraining her to the end of her own bed.

"You brought him here, so you deal with it!" The woman exclaimed, tightening the red bandana around both the bed post and her daughter's wrist, right before storming out and locking the door behind her.

Eva had no other choice but to watch her own boyfriend suffocate as the vomit struggled to go any further than the back of his mouth. Although she could've escaped from her restraint, the thought of being punished by her mother caused her to stay frozen in her position, watching the boy on her bed convulse around before finally stopping.

"Eva?" Terrell called out, snapping her out of the morbid flashback.

"Yeah?" She looked up at him, hoping he wouldn't have notice her zoned out stare that she probably had throughout.

"I asked if you wanted round two, but we don't have to."

Eva nodded awkwardly, before pursing her plump lips together. She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat whilst climaxing to the thought of her ex-boyfriend dying.

"Yeah, I think we should just call it a night," She sighed, standing up and walking over to the bathroom to clean herself up.

"Yeah, that's fine." Terrell gave a small grin, nodding as he laid back down, panting to regain his breath.

The woman's nude body sauntered over to the bed, resting herself right next to Terrell. She slipped on her panties before pulling down her dress, getting in bed as she wrapped herself in the covers.

"Why are you here by the way?" Terrell bluntly inquired, but with no malicious intent to ruin their night.

"What?" Eva turned around to look at him, confused as to why he would ask such a question. "You're in my room"

"No, I meant – here. At Springwater." His gaze fell onto the small and distinct tattoo that scarred her wrist, the sleeve finally being pulled up high enough to reveal it unbeknownst to her. The thought of it possibly being what he thought it was caused him to sit upright, resting his back behind her headboard.

"Oh, I-I don't actually know. I guess it's been, three years?" The statement caused her to shut her eyes, realizing how stupid she sounded, but that was the truth.

Once Eva was admitted to the facility, she'd been given Electroshock Therapy to test whether it would have helped her with the 'insanity' her lawyer claimed during Eva's trial.

Instead of using the minimum level of volts, Ross had opted for the maximum, having pity on the seventeen year old who'd had to possibly live with the guilt of taking three children's lives. The treatment had left her with no memory of the incident or trial, thus never knowing why she admitted to the institute in the first place.

"I know it sounds stupid, but trust me – I don't have anything to hide. I genuinely don't know why I'm here." The woman looked up at Terrell, noticing he was staring at something. "Why? What's making you curious after a whole four weeks of knowing me?"

"It's your tattoo," Terrell spoke in a monotonous voice, although the underlying tone was more obvious to his slight awkwardness regarding her tattoo.

"What's wrong with it?"

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