20. SIKE

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Eva rested with Marlene between her arms, resting her head against the pillow which was propped up on the headboard. She had her eyes closed, hoping to find some peace for a few minutes, only for her slumber to capsize her body.

Meanwhile, Terrell maneuvered the boat, hoping today would be the day the three of them reached shore. The thought of finally being able to mingle with people outside of the house boat brought him near tears, his heart filling with high expectations. He was happy to finally see his family once he'd get his identification made in the city. He steered the boat, finally feeling the satisfying bump of the boat's edge against the golden brown sand.

He sighed in relief as his eyes shut in pleasure, his back falling against the chair he'd been sitting in for far too long. A tear of happiness escaped his almond eye, along with a faint smile beginning to form on the edges of his lips, despite being exhausted.

Eva felt the boat rock, causing her to shift slightly – disturbing the deep sleep she was in. Her body had absent-mindedly fallen onto the bed, sleeping in a much more comfortable position, meanwhile her child rested quietly next to her. Her eyes fluttered open, a little annoyed at being disrupted from her quick nap.

She got up, rubbing her eyes and walking out of the bedroom. Her heart began to race as her feet came closer to the deck of the boat, causing her to believe they were still on water and something had gotten caught in the engine. However, to her surprise – her eyes were greeted with an empty beach, the golden brown sand glimmering underneath the bright, yellow sun Eva longed to witness.

Her mouth gaped in shock, not being able to believe they were finally away from Springwater – miles away. She rushed back in, quickly scooping up her child. This time, she wrapped the long sleeve t-shirt around her right shoulder and under her left arm, placing Marlene in the small pouch, resting her against Eva's chest.

The woman wandered up to the cockpit, finding a relieved, yet exhausted Terrell laid back in his chair, satisfied with the whole trip, along with a few droplets of tears on his cheek. She walked up to him, embracing him as he lazily wrapped his arms around her.

"We finally did it." He spoke, a small smile plastered on his face.


"How long of a drive is it?" Eva whispered to Terrell, leaning closer to him. She looked at the others who sat in the back of a pickup truck, probably hitch hiking their way to God knows what destination.

"I have no idea. We'll get there when we get there." He spoke, not paying Eva that much attention.

His gaze was fixated on the greenery the country side had to offer, making sure his mind had a mental image of the tall and wild green grass and towering tree's. This was all Terrell would be able to think about while in Springwater, never thinking he would ever have the chance to experience the outside world.

On the other hand, Eva rested her head on his shoulder, staring absent-mindedly into the distance. She wondered what her life would be when she and Terrell would part ways. Would Ma accept me? What if she throws me back to the police? How am I going to have a normal life after all of this? Her thoughts were quickly interrupted when Marlene began whimpering, trying to claw through her mother's grey dress. She reassuringly rocked the child, quietly cooing calmly melodies in her ear – in hopes that the baby would stop.


The trio made it through the four hour journey, only taking as long as it did due to other people being dropped off to their destinations. They all trekked their way to Terrell's distant friend from summer camp – Akamu.

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