Santana & Mike : A Man (Edited)

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So here's what you missed on Glee: Tina is getting married to Artie and she's invited the whole Glee club and all the Alumni to her wedding

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So here's what you missed on Glee: Tina is getting married to Artie and she's invited the whole Glee club and all the Alumni to her wedding. Mike is supposedly fine with all of this, that is until he sees Tina in her wedding dress and completely breaks down. He decides to skip the wedding, but Tina has herself convinced that she can't go through this without Mike. Like, really convinced. So, now someone has to go convince Mike to go back, and Sam runs after him, followed closely by Santana. And that's what you missed on Glee!

Mike kept pacing back and forth in the choir room, wringing his hands, his fancy shoes clacking against the floor. He knew it was only a matter of time before one of his friends found him, so Mike wasn't surprised when Sam burst into the choir room.

"Would you like to tell me what the hell just went down?" Sam yelled, and Mike sighed before dropping into a chair.

"I'm sorry! I couldn't do it! I just couldn't see her in that wedding dress when she wouldn't be walking down the aisle towards me!" Mike buried his face in his hands and Sam's expression softened. He sat down next to his friend and rubbed his back until Mike looked up.

"Dude, as your friend, I'm really sorry, but as Tina's friend and your old glee teammate, I say man up! Tina needs you! You had your chance and you broke up with her, the least you can do is be there for her on her wedding day!" Sam urged, and for the first time in Sam's life, he saw his friend begin to cry. Mike shook with sobs as Sam held him, rubbing his back awkwardly, trying to make the crying stop.

"Hey, Trouty. Let me handle this, the bride needs your help anyway." A familiar voice called from the doorway, and both men looked up to find Santana leaning on the doorframe in a yellow bridesmaids dress. With a questioning look thrown at Santana and one last pat on the back for Mike, Sam walked out of the choir room. Santana sighed and went over to take Sam's seat.

"What are you doing here?" Mike asked, scrubbing at his red eyes. He was already miserable, Santana's teasing would only add salt to the wound.

"Michael Robert Chang, for as long as I've known you, you've always been the greatest friend. Congratulating someone when they got a solo, teaching people how to dance, sticking up for anyone that needed help. Today, in that wedding hall, was the first time I ever saw you walk out on someone." Santana informed him, crossing her arms.

"What are you saying?" Mike asked, raising his face from his hands. Santana sighed and stood up to stand in front of him.

"I'm saying, that if you can't do it this once, if you can't be that loyal friend right now, then that's fine." Santana held out her hands to him, and he took them, cautiously.

"But, Sam said that I have to suck it up and be a man," Mike said, as she pulled him up.

"I don't give a damn what Trouty says, a man isn't invincible Mike! He just has to be able to get up after the hard blows." Santana led him to the door of the choir room where they stood for a minute. "So, what are you going to do, Chang?"

"I'm going to go in there and support Tina, even if it kills me." Mike decided, and Santana smiled. After a moment's hesitation, she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a hug.

"You are a man, Mike Chang. Oh, and if you ever tell anyone about this, I'm gonna go all Lima Heights on your sorry ass." Santana warned him, and he laughed. She gave him one last squeeze, then they walked down the halls of McKinley together, back to the wedding of Tina Cohen-Chang and Artie Abrams.


Hi! Sorry for the really crappy one shot, but at least it was shorter this time! I got this idea last night, and at first, it was going to be a sad Tike one shot, but then I realized that it was becoming a Mike and Santana (friends!) one shot. I may do a few more of these, where it's just friends. I have an idea for my next one shot, but after that, I got nothing, so please send requests! Bye! 💜

Updated Note: Hello! I'm going through all my one-shots and editing them to make them better! Some won't be that altered, probably just some spelling errors or stuff like that fixed, but others may have a new song or a new scene or something like that. I'm not only doing this cuz I have a terrible case of writer's block (ugh 😂) but also because some of my one-shots really need some editing. So yeah, that's all for now. Enjoy!

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