Chapter 2: Stranger Girl (Andy's POV)

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I saw the girl faint out of the corner of my eyes. I ran over to her to see that she was unconscious.

She was really pale, but she was breathing evenly where as earlier she couldn't even catch her breath.

Someone knocked on my door. "Yo Andy, are you coming with us to get drinks tonight?" Ashley asked me.

"Nah man, I got a headache from Juliet yelling at me. You guys have fun though." I said, making sure the girl was okay.

"Alright, see you tomorrow then?" Ashley asked me, curiously.

"Yeah, see you guys then." I said back to him.

I thought of what I should do. She was okay and breathing, but I couldn't leave her here.

After a while of thinking I had concluded that I would be taking her back to my hotel room. I didn't want to see her get hurt, and she would be safe with me.

I quickly grabbed my jacket and car keys before picking her up. I carried her to my car, and set her in the back seat so she was lying down.

I quickly drove to my hotel, and then carried her up to my room. I set her down on the bed, and I sat in one of the chairs.

Something buzzed and I checked my phone. There was nothing, it was probably her phone.

I looked over at her to see her purse slightly choking her.

I got up quickly and took her purse off of her before setting it on the table.

I should honestly see who this girl is, hit she couldn't tell me until she woke up.

I looked over at her purse. Surely she would have a driver's license, right?

I quickly opened her purse and saw a lot of band merch, a lot of it having to deal with my band. I saw her wallet and grabbed it. I quickly opened it and saw that her name was Kayleigh Davidson.

I quickly called a guy I knew who could get me information on people.

"Hey Andy, what's up?" Asked Joe, my information person.

"I have something for you to do. Can you look up and get everything there is to know about a girl named Kayleigh Davidson for me?" I asked him kindly.

"Yeah sure, no problem. When do you want it all?" He asked me.

"As soon as possible? Maybe in the next twenty-four hours if possible?" I said, putting her wallet back in her purse.

"I should be able to, and I'll fax everything to your hotel when I'm done." He said, I could hear typing in the background.

"Thanks Joe. I'll talk to you later, alright?" I said, watching the girl on the bed.

"Yeah, talk to you later Andy." He said, and I hung up.

I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I ran my hand down my face.

Why did life have to be so complicated at times? Why had I even married Juliet?

I was young and stupid then, and I still am. I mean after what happened on the plane a while ago I should have ended it all then.

Now she was way worse. She yelledd at me whenever she got the chance to. It wasn't right, but she would never stop.

I turned on the faucet and ran the water. I bent down and splash water on my face a few times.

I turn the faucet off and watch the water run down my face in the mirror. I grabbed a towel and dried my face off.

I thought about taking a shower, but decided against it in case she woke up.

I walked back out and went to the mini bar. A small drink never hurt anyone, right?

I grab the bottle of whiskey and a glass. I put ice in the glass and poured some whiskey.

I got to take a small sip before the hotel phone started to ring.

I put the glass down on the table and answered it. "Hello?"

"Mr.Biersack sorry to bother you but your friend faxed you over some papers." Said the kind voice of the reception woman downstairs.

"Can you have someone bring it up to my room? I can't go anywhere at the moment." I said, looking over to the girl who was still unconscious on the bed.

"Yes sir, I'll have someone bring it up to you as soon as possible." She said, in a kind voice like before.

"Alright, thank you." I said, having up the phone and going back to drinking my whiskey.

After about five minutes there was a knock at my door. I got up and opened it to see a man with a hotel uniform on.

"Your fax, sir." He said, handing me the folder of papers.

"Thank you." I said, before closing the door.

I went back to my whiskey. I sat down and open the folder.

And it was a picture of her and a lot of information. I started reading it, and came to her medical records page.

Wow, I guess Joe is very thorough about this.

I read it and learned that she got hurt a lot. Broken bones, stab wounds, someone was hurting her.

The abuse started twelve years ago. What had changed then? I went back to the first few pages and saw that her father died when she was five, and she was made to live with her stepmother.

I looked up to her and saw that she was stirring a little.

I put the folder under my duffle bag before taking another sip from my glass of whiskey.

She woke up and looked around with a confused look on her face. Her gaze landed on me and her eyes went wide.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her, curiously.

"Confused. What happened?" She asked me, sitting up.

"Well you were at the concert and you were hiding in my dressing room. You fainted, and I believe a guy was looking for you." I said, being completely honest.

"Well I'm really sorry to have bothered you, I'll go home now." She said, standing up which caused her to wince.

I got up and went over to her. "Are you okay?" I asked her, completely worried.

" was nothing you need to worry about. Shouldn't you be sleeping or writing music or something anyways?" She said, badly trying to change the subject.

"No, and don't change the subject." I told her, knowing that she was hurt.

"I can go if you want, actually I probably should." She said, taking a step but almost falling over.

I caught her quickly, and sat her on the bed.

"You're staying here for the night. You fainted, and you're in pain, plus its late." I said, walking over to my glass of whiskey and sitting in a chair.

"I'm fine really, I should go." She said, looking over to me.

"I don't trust that you're fine. You're staying here end of discussion." I said in an authoratative tone of voice.

"Alright." She said, looking away from me to the floor.

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