Chapter 12: What An Accident

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For the last week and a half my days were the same. I would wake up and take a shower, drink coffee and get a call from Andy, then he would let me go so he could preform. I would eat and before I fell back to sleep he would call and wish me goodnight. I would say the same. Once that phone call was over I cried myself to sleep just like that first night.

Today was no different except Andy had to let me go so they could practice.

I shut my phone off and put my earbuds in ready to cook and drown out my sorrows.

I cooked and I ate the food. I quickly did all the dishes so I could go outside for a little bit.

I went outside and walked around the neighborhood like usual. This time though there was a car following me.

I walked quicker so that I could get home. I was safe behind locked doors, and at the moment that's all I wanted.

I soon started jogging to get away from the car, but it sped up as well.

I started running and that's when the car hit me.

I fell to the ground in a lot of pain. I could barely move.

I saw the driver get out of the car to reveal Juliet.

"You stole Andy from me, now with you gone he'll come running back to me." She said, in an evil tone of voice.

She got back in her car and drove off.

I reached for my phone and dialed nine-one-one.

"Nine one one, what's your emergency?" Asked a woman  on the other side of the phone.

"I've been hit by a car, please send help." I said, hissing in pain.

"Okay m'am cops and an ambulance are on their way to your location. Please hold on." She said, and I heard sirens in the distance.

"Thank you." I said, right before I blacked out.

I woke up later being wheeled in on a gurney into the emergency room.

"What happened here?" Asked a female doctor who walked over to the gurney.

"Eighteen year old female, name is Kayleigh Davidson. Was the pedestrian in a car versus pedestrian car accident. She blacked out on the scene, but as you can see she is awake now. Her vitals were close to usual except for her heart beat was up there." Said the paramedic, handing the doctor a clipboard.

"Hello Kayleigh, my name is Dr. Summers I'll be taking care of you today. What seems to be the matter?" She asked, doing an initial exam.

"My stomach just really hurts." I said, wincing in pain when she touched my stomach.

"I'm going to need a portable ultrasound." She said to a nurse.

"Is there anyone we can call for you?" She asked me, starting an IV.

"My boyfriend Andy, but he is on tour right now." I said, wincing in pain.

"We'll have someone call him, Nurse Simmons will get his number so we can call him." The doctor said, taking a machine from the nurse.

"So what's his number dear?" The nurse asked me, having a piece of paper and pen ready.

"It's in my phone." I said, giving her my phone so that she would have the number.

She wrote down the number and walked away.

The doctor pulled up my shirt and squeezed some type of gel on my stomach before putting a wand like thing on my stomach.

"It looks like your going to need surgery, your spleen needs to come out as soon as possible." She said, wiping the gel off of my stomach.

She gave the machine to the nearest nurse and checked my IV.

"Call the OR, tell them we are bringing her up." She said, kicking something so that she could move the bed.

"What? No. Why?" I said, confused and concerned.

"You're bleeding internally and we need to stop that from happening or you'll die. Surgery is the only way to take care of it." The doctor said, waiting for the elevator.

"If I don't make it out of this it was Juliet who hit me, please tell the cops that." I said, as loud as I could.

"Alright, we'll take care of that. Now please relax, you have to worry about yourself now." She said kindly.

I nodded my head gently and when the elevator came to our floor we quickly got on it.

Once we were up to the OR floor I was undressed, gowned, and drugged up. They put a mask over my face and soon I was out.

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