☁Todoroki x Reader-Chan

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(Added dis cuz it has todo in it lots as well as gets me hyped IDKY)

It was just a normal day at the academy for Y/n L/n they where just going through classes when someone in homeroom 1-A caught Y/N's eye, a boy with half white and half red hair. Apparently one of the classes quietest but strongest . He looked super lonely in the back of the classroom, so Y/n took the seat next to him.

" Hello, I'm Y/n L/n is it ok if I sit here? Y/n asked kindly in their soft voice.

They where looking for a response of any sort, and just got a gentle almost unnoticeable nod from him. Y/n smiled at him and he looked over and very slightly smiled back.

" OK be quiet everyone we are going to start today's lesson..." Mr. Aiziwa started in his monotone voice.

Time Skip~ after class~

The bell had just rung and Y/N was getting their stuff together when

" Hey you nerd,"

Y/n knew who this was by the voice, it was Bakugo Kasuki the class showoff and bully.

"What do you want this time? To get your own insults turn against you again?" Y/n said in a calm voice while still packing their stuff to leave for lunch.

Y/n said this loud enough to get the attention of one student that was leaving they stayed and watched the seen play out and would interfere if necessary.

" Ha! What are you going to do besides that, Huh? with you being pretty much quirk less there's no way you can fight me back!" Bakugo said trying to hurt Y/n with his words like he's done countless times before.

Y/n knew that he would probably hurt them pretty bad so they decided to try and leave without responding.

" HEY! I was talking to you respond." Bakugo yelled while grabbing the back of their uniform.

Something then snapped inside Y/n and they stomped then smoke grey smoke was all around where Bakugou and Y/n where. Bakugo let go of Y/n and they ran out the door to the safety of the bathroom. Y/n had to calm themselves down in the bathroom until they herd a knock at the stall door.

" What do you want now?" Y/n was on the verge of tears and started to teared up.

" Come out of the stall I need to know if you are alright."

This was an unfamiliar voice to Y/n so they opened the door with caution until the person pulled them out all the way.

It was the half red and white haired boy Y/n sat next to in class.

" Thank goodness it was just you! I-i was scared it was Bakugo. Y/n said in a scared teary voice, letting a few slip out of their eyes.

" Are you alright ? I saw you and Bakugo in some type of fight. He also said you are quirk less, is that true? Because from what I saw you have a smoke bomb like quirk. " he said

" I'm fine, I was able to get away before anything got to intense thankfully, I have a small quirk including that one I just showed."Y/n responded with tears still in their eyes.

The boy noticed the tears and wiped Y/n's (e/c) eyes with his hand.

" Sorry, I probably should have asked you first before touching your face." He said apologetically.

" Oh, no really it's fine-," Y/N started but was cut off

"HEY!! WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO!! YOU DAMN NERD!" this was Bakugo screaming again,

Y/n quickly hid behind the unknown boy and put their forehead to his back.
" Are you scared of him Y/n?" The boy asked.

Y/n just nodded in to his back, the boy then turned around and grabbed Y/n by the shoulders.

" I will keep you safe from him, Don't hesitate to call me if needed,"

He handed Y/n a peace of paper with his number on it, They quickly put it in to their pocket and looked back at him.

" We are going to leave together and I will keep you safe from Bakugo ok?" He looked into your (e/c) eyes with his one turquoise and one gray eye.

" Alright thank you so much for this, wait I didn't catch you name," Y/n said in realization of not knowing their savers name.

" Shoto Todoroki." he said as he took Y/n's hand and started to leave the bathroom with them.

" Ok then; Thank you Todoroki if it wasn't for you I would probably be getting beat up or harassed right now." Y/n said slightly apologetically.

"You're welcome Y/n." Todoroki said in return.

They together walked passed a shocked Bakugo and ate lunch together.

'this is a start of a lovely relationship' Y/n thought to themselves.

Sorry it's bad 😒, I know🙃.
Requests are open🌹 , I made it fit for all genders!


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