Todoroki x Reader

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    Todoroki Shoto, strong, smart, handsome, a complete asshole. Yeah you didn't really like the bi quirked hero. Why? Well you got in to UA from recommendations, so you had the privet test to take that's when you first learned his name. You witnessed him be rude to another student, you as well experienced this behavior too, you took the risk and wish the best of luck to him.
He replied with 'I don't need your luck, leave me alone.' Yeah that made you really sad but you used that to pass the tests and get into UA successfully.

Unfortunately you got into the same class as him, it's been 3 ish months sense you started and you really only have 3 friends from you class 1-A the other is your best friend but he's in a completely different class, Shinso Hitoshi.
      He was even surprised that you approached him at lunch the first week of school. But you guys had a really strong bond and he knew how you felt about Todoroki. He knows you more then your parents do. You guys soon had midterms and where together almost always to study. You two would lock yourselves in one of your rooms at either house and study. No one really believed that you two where just   studying, everyone thought you two where dating your parents even just assumed that you two where together.

   Well you had the P.E type midterm and guess who you got paired with, Todoroki. Yeah you got angry, and channeled it to try and take him down. It was one on one fighting with quirks. Well from before and now having seen both of his quirks used in the sports festival, you knew enough. 'Ok Y/n you can take him down then tell Shinso later he'll be proud at least!'
   "Ok L/n, Todoroki I will erase quirks if either of you get out of hand. Ready, Go." Aizawa said seeming to not care at all.
         Your quirk was a perfect combo of your parents, your dad gave you the power to teleport short distances silently and your mom gave you the ability to create metal weapons from a small amount of any DNA. You didn't tell many about this, but it helped with the element of surprise. Todoroki immediately truer to freeze you in place but you where quick and teleported away.
     This made him confused and look around for you, you used that time to make a weapon and teleport behind him. You kicked the back of his knees which made him stumble he was able to grab your arm and freeze it slightly. With speedy movements you where able to teleport to another spot he could not see you at this point and you took the opportunity to attack again. This time you just about dropkicked the back of his knees and was able to make home fall, teleporting for a final time you used the knife that you created to keep him in place. Your mind went silent and the only thing you heard was 'I won'
  "L/n, has won this match you both did well go sit and wait for the class to end." Aizawa said then quickly moved on to the next match. You where walking away to go to the locker rooms when, " L/n." You hesitated for a moment the decided to not be rude and turned around. Fucking Todoroki you started to be a bit upset, but pushed it down to be respectful.
  " Hello Todoroki, how can I help you?" You said you then got a sudden shooting pain in your arm. "L/n you're bleeding heavy, we need to get you to Recovery girl." He said you looked down and saw that your right forearm had been slashed. 'That's probably how I got the knife in the first place.' Then it was dark.

You woke up later to see a conserved Todoroki and no recovery girl.
"The fuck?" You questioned aloud
"You passed out because of shock and maybe some blood loss." Todoroki was there, but why was he there?
  "What are you still doing here then?" You asked
  "Because you are my classmate, it's only polite. Recovery girl also thought that I should explain why and how you ended up here." He explained.
"How did I get here even?"
  "I carried you here, you where unconscious Aizawa-Sensei said for me to take you here make sure you where alright."
You lost your cool with him.
"Leave. I'm conscious, I'm awake, go away." He left. Recovery girl came in and checked you out, giving you permission to go back to class. Walking down the halls you felt good that the day was almost over but also horrible since you where most likely going to be half drowning in work from the past class you missed.

   And done! Yeah not very fannon, but I wanted to do a more acquaintance type story. All right I'm out for now

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