💉Tomura Shigaraki x reader

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(👌🏻adding in some villains swearing is in here btw)

On your list of things to do in your life, being kidnapped by the league of villains was not one of them. Now you are in a situation that you never thought was gonna happen to you. How did you get there you ask well it all started the night before with a bad breakup.

"No! You can't come back inside my house and be apart of my life any longer! Fucking cheater!" You slamed the door in your ex boyfriend's face,locked the door,and started to walk away. You had seen then caught him with another woman. And you where not up for that at all so you broke up with him when he came to apologize for what he did. Unknown by you was the fact his sister was in the league of villains, and they where close.

You are in a room with no windows being investigated by his sister, Himiko Toga. Yup the one obsessed with blood is who you are alone with in a room. But thankfully someone came through the door and looked confused by the scene so they spoke. "Toga who is this? And why are they here?" The shadow said
"oh hi Shigaraki-kun! This is y/n they hurt my brother. You understand right?"
"Well even though it is fun and all to tourcher people, could I intricate them?" Toga looked back at the figure and smiled phycoticly,
"yeah I wanna see what's going on in the bar anyways, have fun Shigi-kun~!" And Toga left just like that. There was a tense silence and then the figure known to you as 'Shigaraki' broke it.
"So what did you do to her brother?" You looked up and saw the person for the first time. The figure appeared to be Male, with blue shaggy hair and a hand on his face.
"I broke up with that shit storm, he cheated." You said confidently but angered that you where tied to a chair.
"What's your quirk?" He asked
" what's yours?"
"Good point, I haven't introduced myself correctly, my name is Tomura Shigaraki. My quirk is destingrating anything I touch with five fingers. It's quite destructive."
"Oh, well since we're doing introductions, my name is Y/n L/n even though you know that, my quirk is called mind slave. I dont use it only if I have to."
"Sounds like it would be a great quirk for a villain,"
"there is no way in hell I would join you sumbags!" He started laughing at your outburst. "Your funny! I didn't even propose that, but I could, here the deal is if you want to live, than you are my personal servant, and a member of the league, or you could slowly be tortured by Toga until you die. Your choice Y/n." You where a bit shocked by the offer and thought for a moment before deciding that being tortured by Toga will not be fast or fun, so you chose the other option. "I'll be your servant," he looked at you more directly than before and seemed interested on what you had to say.
"But I want to get some important valubuls from my house and put what I won't need at my parents house or sell it. I only need 3 days to do that especially if that mist guy could help me."
"Ok, tell anyone about this little agreement and you'll be dead within a few seconds, understand?" You nodded in response.
"I'll have Kurogiri warp you there and back, now don't move or you might die." Shigaraki said as he made his way over to the chair and touched the ropes. You held your wrists afterwards and noticed they were a bit red and swollen. 'Hope this redness goes away and it won't be sore.' You said to yourself.
"Follow me y/n since you aren't familiar with the layout if this place." You then walked up next to him and you two stared to walk back to the bar.

"Kurogiri, can you warp y/n here back to her apartment?" The mist like man looked to Shigaraki's side and noticed you standing there, "Yes I can, Ms.y/n is it? Where do you live darling?"
"A 1.5 miles away near a small park." You responded
"that's still in range for me to warp, are you ready to go now?" You looked at Shigaraki for approval and he nodded.
"Yep ready to go, see you in 3 days." You said and waved goodbye to Shigaraki.

Three days later...

You had you suitcase in your room. Completely packed and ready to go. You had basically moved back in with your parents, you gave the excuse that the neighbors where creeping you out, and you got an new job across town so you had to stay with a friend. They didn't question it thankfully and now you where waiting for the sign of mist or something to appear to get you. You started to listen to music on your phone and double checked you have everything you could need for how ever long you where going to be at the league. You where listening to f/s (favorite song) and humming it. You layed yourself on the floor looking up at the ceiling for a bit before closing your eyes and blissfully listening to your music.
About 2 minutes later you felt and heard footsteps near you. You sighed to yourself, sat up, and looked at the person before you it was Shigaraki and your stuff seemed to have already been taken to the league.
"Ready to go y/n?" He said, you nodded and stood up adjusting your clothing to look proper.

" yeah, I'm ready. Oh Shigaraki should I refer to you as master or something?" He whipped his head in your direction fast enough to make the hand on his face fall off and to the floor. His face had a light blush on it. You bent down and grabbed the hand off the floor holding it for a moment then holding it out for him to take it back. He looked at you and took it back not putting it on yet.
"No you don't have to do that Y/n.." You nodded eyes closed. You suddenly felt your back swiftly collide with a near by hard surface. You opened your eyes slowly having closed them harder upon impact to see a mess of light blue hair in your face.
"Only if you want to of course." It clicked in your mind faster than when Midoryia breaks his fingers in the sports festival (yeet). Shigaraki was towering over you whispering in your ear. Your body stuttered at the feeling of his breath on your ear. He smirked and moved back a little to create eye contact between you two. Your cheeks where a light pink colour, but you still looked into his crimson eyes with your (e/c) eyes. You felt very lowkey sexual tension between you two. It wasn't really bothersome but you could feel it. You noticed that the dark purple mist was nowhere to be seen and you decided to ask even with the position you were in. "Umm... Shigaraki.. where did Kurogiri go?..." you slowly stuttered out. He smirked again and came closer to your face.
"Hes not here. So I can have you all to myself."

Dun dun duh! Yep I need that there but if you want another part and it to be a lemon the you're gonna have to request it. I'm over the 1,000 word count I set for myself for about every chapter so yeah..

See ya nex time 💛💚💛 - Author-kun

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