Unlimited Perfection

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My life had been perfect before now. I was pretty, I was popular and I was smart. Boys wanted me and girls wanted to be me. My life was like a movie. Little did I know that it was turning from feel-good, to a tragedy.

'You going tonight?' My best friend Addie whispered, leaning forward in her chair, her electric glue eyes dancing with titillation . We were in the middle of a particularly arid maths lesson, something about fractions I had learned three years ago. Half of the kids in my class were drooling on their desks, sleeping, the other half were flicking paper at each other and generally acting childish. My ancient teacher Mr. Loyn gabbered on and on, trying to get the class to repeat some nonsensical rhyme about the Pythagoras theorem.

I looked to the desk next to mine, where Addie was sitting and nodded blissfully, my face lighting up.

She was referring to Jack Moosters legendary house party that was on tonight. Every single year something different has gone down to end up in our schools history books. Last year nearly half of the senior year had been arrested, for some unperceived reason. I devised an absolute plan. I asked my Mom to drop me off at Addie's for a sleepover, then we would make our way to the party, Addies older brother driving us to Jack Moosters house. I got a mirror out of my Gucci purse and put my clear lipgloss on. Smacking my lips together I thought to myself, woah, life really is perfect.

I sat at my regular circular table in the cafeteria, playing with my lacquered nails. Waiting for Addie to buy her lunch from the lunch line. The cafeteria was buzzing due to the upcoming party. Girls had been planning their outfit two months in advance and boys already have their pick-up lines aced. I grimaced at the stale, cheesy stench the caff had acquired due to endless students filling in and out of the stuffy cafeteria.

'Hey Tamin, any news on Franklin?' My other good friend Ashley said, taking a seat next to me. I had been pursuing Franklin Bears for approximately three months now, and he finally showed interest last week with a stolen kiss on the cheek in between periods. I shrugged.

'I try not to get too attached to a single guy' I said lightly. That was me, carefree, not taking anything seriously. In short, I was being a normal teenager. I twirled my luscious honey blonde locks around my index finger, smiling to myself, it was a secret smile. No one knew about what Franklin and I did behind the bleachers after the kiss. And no one ever would.

'How now brown cow?' My friend Akio said, sliding in the seat opposite from me, her boyfriend Misakio sitting down next to her, a stony expression on his face. Misakio only hung out with us to be with Aki, i knew he loathed us. 'Guess how much I got on my calculus test!' she sang, grasping Misakio's forearm tightly. She didn't wait for an answer, '50%! Ahh! Just passed, go Aki, go Aki' She did a little dance in her seat and I giggled. Akio had come from Japan two years ago and I had taken her under my wing. Showing her the ropes of Jordandale High School had been hard, but in the end it was worth it, she was my prodigy, and I loved that.

'Ugh, no salad, again!' Addie groaned, plonking herself down on the seat next to mine, a water bottle in her hand. I hated how she starved herself. But she was exactly like me I'm some ways. I used to fast and starve myself, but I found out its easier to eat lighter and lighter throughout the day, just like Adriana Lima. We continued to talk about the usual stuff, who's dating who, who's going to the party tonight, and general bitchyness until the bell rang. I said ta-ta to my friends and tottered off in my $500 Louis Vuitton heels.

I had just perfected my outfit for the party when my Mom called me to get going, as she was also taking my little brother to soccer practice. I did a final survey of myself in the mirror. Hot. I wore a skimpy midnight blue, sparkly cocktail dress that was detailed on the chest area and flared out when it reached my waist, I pared it with baby pink Manolo pumps that Katie had gotten me for my birthday a week ago. I decided to go simple with my hair and make-up, putting on only mascara and eyeliner and plaiting my long hair into a simple fishtail braid. I did I final twirl in front of my mirror I chortled. Shrugging on a bright red trench-coat to hide the outfit from my parents I ran out of my room. Little did I know this would be the last time I saw it.

'Oh my GOD! Joshua, was that you?!' I shrieked, an awful smell permeating the air and stinking up the car. I held my nose and groaned. My family. Sucked. My little brother guffawed and made farting noises with his mouth. My mother tsk-ed, keeping her eyes on the road, 'IF your dad saw you two right now, he'd be disappointed' She said sadly. I lamented under my breath, my mother could be infuriating at times. 'But that's the thing Mom!' I said looking out at the icy highway we were speeding along and back at her. 'He's not here, he OD'd, he's gone Mom, get over, red rover!' I hollered. I was so sick of my mother bringing up my defunct father.She strangled back a sob.

Suddenly the car screeched. The subsequent events following this befell so suddenly.

A startled deer raced off the road, narrowly missing our Honda Civic. My mother screamed, steering manically, trying to straighten our car up on the icy highway. A loud truck horn resounded, sending a shiver up my spine. Then, CRASH! Our tiny car collided with the 42 wheeler. I screamed and tried to grab onto my little brother, but my seatbelt was jammed. Trying desperately to unlock my seatbelt I angled myself down low, giving myself a sharper view of the seatbelt and pulled and pulled and pulled. It just wouldn't unlock! All our car windows smashed open and showered over us, cutting at my skin. My side of the car started to cave, sending me lower and lower onto the car seat. Something hard and metal whizzed into the car and hit me sharply on the head, knocking me into the objectionable iciness of unconscious.

A/N, I'm thinking of maybe putting this up for the Watty Awards, Idk, but what do you think, like, comment, ect

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