Chapter 3

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'I don't need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow does that much better.' -Plutarch

'You know, telling me wasn't a mistake' a voice whispered into my ear.

I looked up just as Xavier was slipping into the seat next to mine in first period Science. I leaned my head forward, letting the curtain of my long hair separate Xavier and I. I wasn't in the mood for talking today, choosing to ignore him was my only choice.

The lesson started and I felt eyes burning into the back of my head. Turning around I noticed that a pair of unnaturally bright blue eyes were rubbernecking at me. Realising that those eyes were connected to Lucern, the mysterious boy I had met at the library, I turned back around and focused on our teacher, who was writing out some scientific formula on the board.

I took a cursory look back at Xavier, only to see he was gazing straight at me. I then looked back again at Lucern; who, of course, was still continuing his visual reconnaissance of me. 'Stay away from Lucern' Xavier spoke up, drawing my attention back to him. I gave him a puzzled look.

'I used to hang out with him. But then I realised that his group and himself don't have an ounce of good in them, so I left. He didn't like it very much, so I'm pretty much a loner now'

So he was a loner? He wouldn't of told anyone if he was loner...'You didn't tell anyone what I told you, right?' I breathed into his ear, changing the subject. He gasped and shook his head, 'I would never' he said, disbelief written all over his face. I cracked a small smile, 'Really?' I said, looking into his depthless green eyes. His face suddenly went slack, and a goofy grin spread out on his handsome face.

'You have the most beautiful smile' He said disbelievingly, his eyes searching mine. My cheeks could've burst into flame right there, they were that hot. I looked down and for the first time I actually smiled completely. This is the first time in months that someone has complemented me.

Amazingly Xavier cupped my face in his right hand and brought my eyes to his. 'Beautiful' He commented, a smile lifting the ends of his lips. I was deeply disappointed when the bell rang. I got off my chair quickly, grabbing my bag and scampering out.


A million thoughts were racing around in my head when I got back into my room after the last period of the day. I slumped down onto my bed and let out a long sigh. Did Xavier like me, or was this some kind of sick joke? I didn't want to get any closer to him until I knew 100% that there was no underhanded scheme involved in this.

Suddenly there was a knock at my window. My head snapped towards the sound. I was shocked right down to my toes when I saw Xavier Blake clutching the fittings around my large window. He would've been screwed if my window had been facing the school. But luckily it faced the heavy wood that surrounded the school. I rushed to the window and forced it open. Taking a step back, I let Xavier manoeuvre in. His large form unwinding when he stepped inside.

'I came to warn you' He urged, fear in his eyes.

He continued on without letting me answer.

'Lucern has begun to see us together in class, and I don't think he likes it. I realise that he likes you too, so, he wants you his. I overheard him today in Biology, he said you would make a good addition in his group, and on his arm' He was rushing his words out, almost making him indiscernible.

'I...don't understand, I met this guy once?' I said sitting on my bed. Before the accident I would of been ecstatic in this situation, but now I was just tired. 'Hes dangerous Tamin, you don't know how dangerous he is. I just want you to be careful, I care about you, you know?'

My heart went into overdrive, Xavier cared about me? He was probably just lying. No one cares for a regect. 'Im not lying, and you're not a regect' Xavier sighed, taking a seat next to me on the bed. My cheeks flushed I didn't realise I had said it out loud. Did I even say it out loud? Suddenly there was a knock at my door. 'Tamin is it? I just wanted to know if you have a hair dryer I could borrow?' A muffled voice said from behind my door.

Xavier was already almost outside the window when I looked back at him.

'Meet me in the main hall, tomorrow night at 10:30, I have something I need to tell you' With that he jumped out. I gasped and ran to the window, to discover there was no one anywhere near the building. It was like he hadn't even come.

'Uh, hello?' the distant voice said from the other side of the wall said. I groaned and opened it, revealing a petite brunette with a mega-kilowatt smile. 'Hi! I'm Mandy!' she all but shouted, sticking out her hand. I took it after a while, giving it a soft shake. She entered my room without asking, surveying it carefully. 'You really need to un-plain your pad, girl!' she said. Her brown eyes widened with excitement, 'I know what we could do!' she announced, clapping her hands together. 'We could give it a make over, I'll call my interior decorator and have her here early in the morning!'

She squealed with excitement, whilst I still stood at the door looking flabbergasted. She spied my hairdryer on my desk and quickly scooped it up, saying a quick thank you. She skipped over to me quickly and looked up at me, her bubbly personality taking a complete 360.

'I hope we can be friends Tamin, I really do' She said seriously. 'Come and hang out with me and the girls at the quad tomorrow at lunch, I'm not taking no for an answer!' She said, her effervescent personality turning back on. She ran off before I could comment. I guess I had people to hang out with now?

That night whilst I was waiting for sleep to claim me in bed, I couldn't stop thinking about Xavier and how he had wanted me to meet him tomorrow night. What did he want to tell me? Probably that he was having me on and he actually despised me. I chortled at myself. I really had no idea what was going on with me and Xavier, I hated being confused. What of he actually genuinely liked me, I thought to myself groggily just before the clutches of sleep claimed me, and took me into a dreamless slumber.


A/N yeah, this is a short chapter, I was rushing through it cause I want to move onto the action. What do you guys think about Mandy??? Anyway, this is my best writing, I'm sick, no hate, the only good thing about it is I get to miss out on school!!

Vomment for me now!! Haha

Ehx-oh-ehx-oh gossip turnip xxx

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