my life

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it's christmas eve, and i haven't seen my mom since november. she comes and goes whenever she pleases. she doesn't care about her kids. my little brother max, doesn't even realize it. he hasn't spoken a word since he was 4. he's 11 now. we don't know why, and we don't ask.

as for my dad, he died when i was seven. he was my best friend. he's the person that got me into wanting to be a doctor. he was the best doctor in the state.

when he died, my mom was a complete mess. she started drinking and doing drugs. if you ask me, she doesn't like being around max and i because we remind her of dad.


i've been working at target for a while now. i work after school, and all my money goes to the bills my mom doesn't pay. i don't make very much, but all the bills are up to date right now. i decided to use a little money to get max some christmas presents. he's obsessed with superheroes and minecraft, so it should be relatively easy to find him things he'll like.

i got home with a few things, and i wrapped the presents and put them under the little "tree" we had. it was really just a bush.

"merry christmas max." i said messing up his hair.

he looked up and smiled at me.

this is my life.

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