Chapter 3 - Truth

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This chapter is dedicated to Q-Flux! Happy reading! :)


Kiana pov:

"You want to go for a walk?? Now??" Winry asked in mild surprise.

"Yeah....I really want to get some fresh air – I've been staying indoors way too long." I said while ruffling Den's head as she sat on the couch next to me with her head resting on my lap.

"I still think you should rest, Onee san, because you woke up barely two days ago. You have a deep wound and you might make it worse if you don't rest."

"I'm fine, Winry, really." I smiled reassuringly but she didn't seem convinced. Well, I'm sure no one with a wound like mine would have had energy to even get out of bed, let alone sit or walk after just two days. Being half shinigami had its perks – I had better endurance than regular people and my tolerance to pain was not too bad either so I was able to move around without feeling much more than a slight soreness and jolts of pain if I moved in a weird way.

"Kiana...we really don't think that's a good idea." Pinako san added and I smiled, warmed by their genuine concern for me.

"I won't strain myself, I promise. I just want to go for a short walk, get some air that I'm sure will help me feel better." I pressed pleadingly.

They hesitated for a moment and looked at each other before sighing in defeat. Winry walked up to me and held her hand out with a smile. I took it gratefully and stood up after Den had got off me. She was wagging her tail happily while looking between us.

"We'll go for just a short slow stroll, okay? Den and I will come with you." She said and my smile faltered a bit.

"I can go with just Den, Winry. I don't want to trouble you – I'm sure you have a lot of work to know, designing automail and all." I said with a halfhearted smile.

"No way are we letting you go anywhere alone!" She scolded and I cringed. "And I have a lot of time to spare – I design new automail every day so I can take a break today. Now c'mon, let's go."

I sighed and walked out of the house with her and Den while giving Pinako san a chaste bow. The walk was actually just a reason for me to leave the house for a little while and look for my Zanpakuto. Thankfully, it hadn't moved from the place where I could sense it for the past two days I had been resting and recuperating in Winry's house. I'm sure I could have gone to look for it after a few more days but the need to have it close to me, where I could see it, had become overwhelming since this morning. I was feeling like a very part of me was missing, like I was incomplete and vulnerable. I just knew that I would feel more comfortable if I had it with me again.

"Let's go this way, okay? The scenery on this side is really nice!" Winry said when we were out of the house.

"Actually, I'm think we should go this way. The terrain looks flatter and I think it will be easier for me to walk on." I said while pointing to the opposite side.

"Okay, if that's what you're comfortable with." She agreed without hesitance and we began our slow walk down the mud path with lush grass meadows stretching out into the distance on either side.

It had been a very long time since I'd been to the countryside and I have to say, this was a beautiful place nerve-soothing tranquility. I looked around while walking, even glancing over but ignoring the occasional spirit we passed by. I was a little surprised that I couldn't sense the presence of a Hollow though – not even once. If this were Karakura Town, I'm quite certain that I would have sensed at least four to five Hollows by now. I hadn't given too much thought about it for now – I was just happy that they weren't around to wreck havoc on innocent people.

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