It had been two days since the ball, and I had not been called on once by Illy. It was a Wednesday now, and Ebony had encouraged me to go out to the market that day, so I might get some books and things to fill my room with. My suitcase of belongings from before I had been sold was brought to me, and consequently I now had a couple things for my room. But there wasn't much in the suitcase. Besides a couple childhood relics, my phone, and a few changes of clothes there was nothing. I checked my phone, and to my surprise I learned we had cell service and wifi, which I had not expected of the valley. I had a couple texts from friends asking if I was still allowed to communicate with them and where I had ended up. I figured I couldn't tell them the reality of any of it, and wasn't sure if I was allowed to so I left the phone on my bedside table for later.
If they got no response they wouldn't be surprised. At this point they hardly expected one. Willingly entered legal slavery had been common for a long time now. The only requirement were that you signed yourself away by your own will and at a suitable age to do so. It was normal, and I had lost a friend or two to it before. There was a boy named Clifford whom I was friends with a while back, and he had signed simply because he found life too complex for his taste, and was much more content letting someone else control and value him. It had worked out wonderfully for him, and we had met up a month later as his master allowed, and he said he loved the lifestyle. But I lost touch with him after that, busy with school and such. There was no use thinking about it now.
I dressed in a summery blue and white dress that was patterned with fluffy clouds to look like the sky, slipping a large sun hat on my head, and taking a black purse I had brought with me, I made my way into the parlor, but found no one there. I went up the stairs and came to the door of the drawing room, in which I could hear talking, so I opened it slowly. Inside I found Illy conversing with a lady, but they stopped as I entered.
"I do hope I'm not intruding," I bowed. "Master, I would like your permission to go out today, to the market, if it is your will to allow me to do so." Illy turned and ran here eyes up and down my outfit, as if scrutinizing it.
"Take all you want from the cash box in the hall," She said finally, "And I permit you gone until sunrise as long as you throw a cardigan over that dress. Get two escorts from the guards at the door." I was unsure why I needed two escorts but I obliged. She turned back to her guest and I slipped out the door to find the cashbox. Inside lay an array of golden coins and hundred juble bills, though I hardly knew what a jubly was worth. Luckily the Silver twins were walking by just then.
"What is a Jubly worth in dollars?" I asked, "relatively of course."
"One Jubly is one dollar," They said in unison, and continued on their way. I did greatly wish that they might be more friendly but it seemed to be in their nature to be shy. I looked back at the box and realized there could easily be seven thousand dollars just in the box. I took two hundred with a couple coins for change, though I was unsure how much the coins were worth. I threw a white cardigan over my dress in my room and grabbed my phone mainly by habit before starting out to say goodbye to Ebony.
I knocked and entered their room, "I'm going," I said.
"Have fun," She called excitedly from where she lounged on the bed.
"Do you know how to arrange an escort?" I asked, "The Princess told me to get two."
"I'll come help," She said, leaping up and starting out the door. We opened the door out of the parlor and she lead me through a winding of hallways and staircases until we came to a large box office in front of the great doors we had entered through when we first came. It felt so very long ago, though it was probably around a week in the past.

The Monocle's Eye
Fiksi RemajaPerhaps Elizabeth Greenwood wasn't a lucky girl, with a dead mother at seventeen, an amputated arm, and no money to deal with it, but when she stumbles into the grip of the Princess of what is supposed to be a deserted kingdom while trying to pay he...