One's stride as a lady is incredibly important. One must always use their core, and balance wholly on the ball of their foot, with their back straight, but the length and width of your steps will be determined by your demeanor and rank. As a young Mademoiselle you shall be expected to walk with slender and short stride of a demure quality, while as a married woman of high rank you might walk with long strides but keep them slender, to assert your care for those around you. A haughty woman of high stature may walk with wide and medium strides, to assert she cares for no one but herself.
I was just reading as I hear one ring of the little bell in the parlor, and thought myself to be needed. And so it was with phrases like 'a lady's knees must never be apart while still, and never crossed while seated or separated when siting.' that I went to the parlor. It was still very early in the night and Heather was expected to come breakfast with me so I assumed rightly that it was her. I entered the parlor to find her standing opposite Illy, whom had dressed herself today and wore a blue suit of velvet that was done up with silver chains draped across the chest on one side, from the collar to the shoulder pad, and big silver buttons engraved with the symbol of the Caedis flag.
"You have called, Master." I said, bowing to her as I entered.
"Accompany your guest in my drawing room," She said coldly, "And see her out as soon as she may please but if she does not before six, see her out then."
"But I have heard there is a slave's drawing room here, and wishing not to inconvenience you." Mademoiselle Morbum said softly.
"That drawing room is in use, and as mine is not and I value you and your family to the greatest of esteem, I wish to allow you use of mine." Master replied, turning to her. "I would join you as well if you wished it, if I did not have an appointment to attend to this very hour."
"Thank you very much," Heather replied, rounding the parlor to join me at the staircase. I realized I was vastly underdressed for the occasion in my white and blue dress of a vibrant rose pattern that buttoned at the collared neck and fell to my knees in a limp skirt. She had worn a slim bedazzled dress of jewel coated fabric, that hugged close to her hips and almost tapered at the knees before flaring out again. I lead up the stairs as the gentleman, as I assumed as I had a lesser position than her and had read to do so when presented with such things. We entered the big drawing room filled with all sorts of valuable artwork and antique swords.
"I must ask how I might address you as I know little of the matter despite my readings," I said, "Am I to call you Heather as your friend or Heather Morbum or even Mademoiselle Morbum?"
"You may call me any alone, but it is customary around others that are not as close as we not to call me by my first name alone."
"So it is your bidding for me to call you Heather," I asked, unsure as to weather she wished me to address her like that or not.
"Yes," She replied, seating herself on the sofa beside me with a sweep of her dress skirt. "Call me Heather as I shall call you Sapphire, unless it is you prefer something else."
"Sapphire is best." I replied quickly, before she could say otherwise. "Where I am from, only the wealthy call each-other by anything but first names, unless you are speaking to a mentor, so that is most comfortable for me." We continued on talking about the difference between our worlds until it was we landed on the topic of transformation.
"So you really have never used any of your power?" She asked, now leaning in slightly.
"No," I replied, "My mother raised me oblivious of any abnormality within myself and trained me to appear in mirrors and things as a child, so I haven't the slightest idea how I might even do so, nor what it might look and feel like."

The Monocle's Eye
أدب المراهقينPerhaps Elizabeth Greenwood wasn't a lucky girl, with a dead mother at seventeen, an amputated arm, and no money to deal with it, but when she stumbles into the grip of the Princess of what is supposed to be a deserted kingdom while trying to pay he...