Chapter 27

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 The clank of the wine glasses as I held them out made her cheeks blush, their pale white pallor interrupted by a light dusting of rose, but she put up her hand to cover her cheeks, setting the wind glass down without even a sip. "You accepted my advances the first time, even embraced them. What's different now?" I asked.

"I'm not used to it, perhaps I'm just more aware now. I always wanted it to be perfect, you know that. That's why I did it, the wine and all the dances, I took classes from sunset to midnight so I could be there for your sunrise. Not a day passed where I didn't polish that ring. It was like a sport, to become your everything, always pushing further into you're desires. And beyond all that, society's ideals too. I was the fiancé of a Queen, the dresses had to be just right, the stride humble, the voice high and soft. I made us wait for everything, so I could look upon the country below me and be honest about my perfection, because I had worked for it. How else could I deserve you?"

"You deserved it the moment I slipped that ring onto your finger. That was you're cue to let your guard down. You deserved me because you managed to catch me. Just look at the past, you'll understand just how great you must be that you got me to fall for you. If anything, they're more security here than there ever has been. Understand me Rose, when I tell you that you've got me under your foot. You can do whatever you want." I slipped my hand across the table and wrapped it around her's, the warmth of her wrist almost melting my fingertips.

"That's not how I function, and you know it." She smiled, taking a sip of the wine.

"I know, but if you believed even a fraction of what I said, it'd save me a lot of time." I teased, taking up my fork and eating a small bite of the cake. "Isn't this nice? It feels new, but it's really old. I can't count the number of times we've sat at this table, a bottle of fine wine and a cake slice between us."

"It does." She said softly, her blue eyes migrating away from mine to fake study the tablecloth.

"Clock wants you to write him later." I said, taking a sip of wine.

"No he doesn't, you don't want to write him." She laughed.

"Spot on. Have you seen his new pet, pretty one, isn't he?" I said. Rose let here eye fall, a sigh slipping through her lips.

"Why don't you go after him?"

"You know I don't like boys, and humans are far too fragile for my liking anyhow. If Clock heard you suggest that he'd have a fit, he's particular to this one. Stop trying to distract me, it doesn't work, surely you've learned that by now."

"I learned it a long time ago, but there is comfort in denial." She set down her glass, leaning back in her chair. I stood and offered a hand for her to stand, which she took.

"You're colder than me." I laughed.

"No one has the right to that title." She said. I raised my arms and she settled in, hugging me tight enough that the metal cuff around her waist dug into my upper hip, her head nestled onto my shoulder. I pulled the keychain from my neck, reaching around her to grab hold of the pad lock on the metal cuff. The key sprang it open and I pulled it off of her, letting the bulky thing fall to the floor and settling into a hug. "Tomb?" She asked.

"No, Library key. That's quite the complement, you know."

"I know." She replied with a sigh. I took my hands to her waist and lifted her from the ground, my thumbs digging into the soft flesh there, the light shock on her face twisting her lips into a smile. I returned her to her tiptoes and slid my hands up to her hair, pulling her in by the head for a kiss. She welcomed me as I leaned in, pushing forward and pressing our lips together, letting me over come her.

I walked her backwards, pressing us up against the wall, her hand pinned by mine as I caught her lip lightly between my teeth, panting in her warm, familiar smell. I released her hands to unclasp my necklace, slipping the small silver ring and it's gold partner from the chain and taking her hand as I pulled back. I slipped the silver onto her left hand's ring finger, and the cold onto my right.

"When did you do that?" She asked, staring down at her hand as I replaced my keys around my neck.

"Today." I said. "You know me, one bondage for another." I took her chin on my finger and kissed her lightly, stepping away and settling on the bed. She followed but took the other side, sliding her dress over her head, her sculpted back interrupted only by her black lace bra straps, yet she neglected to turn around, slipping beneath the covers, her head turned from me. I unbuttoned my suit, leaving it loosely folded on the floor and joining her under the warm covers. 

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