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        ||totally enjoy his free show||

Vanessa Pov:

Lets just say, My prank was brilliant.

The house was covered with Eggs, The roof and trees are wrapped with Toilet paper. Wall and door are sprayed with  Some Curse words and  dirty picture.The best yet the worst was the firecracker part.

I camouflage some fire cracker on the lawn each of them are attached with some explosive micro chip that cause them to lit up if I click the button.Meh, it won't harm her.

"We've done a pretty great job!"I put a thumbs up to them and they wink while Isabelle whip her hair proudly.
Val was very proud like the Mr.cocky
He is.

"This gonna need a lot of cleaning.."
Val shook his head grinning. I Wave it like nothing.

"Nah.She'll hire a tons of cleaner, she's to rich and not even hiding it .
I wish I could ruin her boutique or anything.."I sigh sadly . Val let out an 'Oh'.

"Boutique?"he said confuse.

"Yup, she had like 10 in different countries.2 here, one in London and .. eh- I don't know"I shrug .

"Lets go get some ice cream while waiting for her to come,the ice cream parlour was a five minutes walk from here,"Isabelle yank the three of us with her.We arrived at yhe destination and ordered our ice cream.

"Uhhh,This was soo delicious!"I moan at my Cream and cookies ice cream. Val chuckle as isabella agreed with me, She gossiped about some fake bitches at school and Laugh at something she said. I saw Ryder was so busy staring at her.His smile widen everytime she laugh.


"-And that time when he accidently enter the girl bathroom when Char was squeezing and pushing her boobs up to make her boobs look bigger-HAHAHAHAHA "She burst out laughing.We laugh aling with her,

Technically we were talking about Johnny and how clumsy he is.Johny is the school nerd, really naives and always clumsy.

Sigh.I miss school.

Yup.I never imagine I would say that either.

"I'm pretty sure he didn't get any sleep at night.."Ry cringed and we laugh again, even louder that the old lady next to us scoff.Meh.

"Char is disgusting, Why would she want a big boobs?I didn't think that is-ugh,whatever. Girls only got big boobs when they work out or botocks maybe their mom.."She ramble so loud that the whole shop is staring at us.

The womans check look down to their boobs while Val and Ry is staring at our's, Ry is staring at  isabelle's.I glare at Val and Push his face away gently while I blush.

"Well, lets get back. She must be like half kilometres away, right now"
Isabella glance at her watch. We nod at her and walk back to Heather's.

"QUICK!According to my GPS tracker, she's almost here!"They jump a little in shock and sprint alonv behind the nearby bushes."Camera, Check!"I whisper shout as I poke out the camera from the bushes.

A saw a golden Buggati entering the gate slowing down the pace as Heather jaw hang on the sight of her Mansion-cover with egg, I start the record, helding back my laughter.
"What the-"she roll down the window and left her car on the drive way. She tried running in her heels to the doors but stumble half way before she made it inside.

"Hold it.." I told Ryder who is incharge of the fire cracker.

I heard her groaning and yelling.
She came back to get out but before she can,"Now!"I command. Ry press the button and the fire cracker fly up and decorated the beautiful sky.

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