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Terminology used in this story that the author wasn't able to work definitions of into the actual story.

Listed in order of mention.

Mysterious Force:

A name created by Candace Flynn to refer to the "higher power" that makes Phineas and Ferb's inventions disappear in various ways before Candace can show said inventions to their mother.
For further information see '-Inator'


 -Inators are plans and machines created by Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz (normally) in order to take over the entire Tri-State Area.
Examples: Shrink-inator, Gloom-inator 3000-inator, Giant Robotic Penguin Icy Freeze Your Socks Off Breath-inator, Mind-Transfer-inator, Vaporizor-inator, etc.

Nine out of ten times, they misfire and hit Phineas and Ferb's inventions, causing them to disappear/be destroyed/change into something else before the -inator blows up or is otherwise destroyed.

Pizzazium Infinionite:

Chemical element with atomic number 104 and atomic weight of 261.
It is represented by the symbol PzI.
No element is less abundant than Pizzazium Infinionite.
The element was first discovered in 1894 by fortune hunters on the Appalachian Trail, where it had previously been worshiped as a god by Native Americans.
It emits a bright green glow and is radioactive.
The element is equal to four orbs of Mundanium Finite.
It can be purchased at the Superduper Mega Superstore in Danville.

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