Chapter 17: Got Your Back

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Sharp claws dug into my skin. I gritted my teeth. It feel like my chest was being crushed from the weight on my back. Is it standing on me?

I tried to reach for my knife, but the angle was all wrong, pressing the opening of the pocket against the floor.

Its breath hit my neck. I shivered.

I couldn't see it well from my position, with the left half my face pressed into the carpet. A hand landed on the floor. Its long, clawed fingers only inches from my nose.

Liquid dripped on my neck, followed by something long and slimy being dragged across it.

What is it with these creatures and licking me?

Taste test apparently over, the hand vanished from my vision for a heartbeat.

Something on its finger glinted in the red lights as its hand swooped down towards my face.

I raised an arm, hoping to block it from striking my head. A broken arm would be better than a caved in skull. I shut my eyes.

The pressure disappeared.

A thud.

A screech of pain grated at my ears.

I rolled over, away from the sound, and onto my back.

There was another cry of a pain. A familiar cry of pain.

I didn't even register pulling out the army knife. But it was in my hand.

The creature was on top of the top of the smaller figure. I am so sick of these creatures!

My vision was red. I rose to my feet. Crossing the distance in a haze, I sunk the short blade into its back.

Pain spread through my arm as it struck out, knocking me back and ripping the knife from my grip. I lost my footing and fell. I growled, jumping back at the thing.

Spotting the cause of the first screech it had let out, I reached for it. My hand wrapped around the wooden handle protruding from the thing's side.

I yanked larger knife down. Black blood poured to the floor.

The monster's attention was diverted. It looked at me. Its inhuman features twisted in a gruesome grin.

Ripping out the knife, I stepped back.

Its black eyes locked onto mine, and I swallowed.

Blood oozed down the front of the creature from countless scratches.

As it approached me, I slashed out with the weapon.

I tried not to look behind it.

Tried not to give anything away as I ducked under the swipe of its hand.

Don't look.

But I couldn't help but look as a hand wrapped around the handle of the pocket knife that stuck out from the thing's back.

It spun around as the blade was pulled out, and I lashed out with my own. Catching it across the neck.

I sidestepped from the creature to avoid being caught under it as it plummeted to the floor. Throat slit. Pocket knife sunk deep into the back of its skull.

Raising my eyes from it, they fell on Phineas. One hand was still raised. Both painted in black. His fingers looked off, but it was hard to tell why with the amount of gunk clinging to them. He was staring at the creature with widened eyes.

I moved around the corpse and clasped his raised hand, pulling it down.

Blinking rapidly, he finally looked at me after what felt like hours. "I-I..."

"You did good," I soothed, tightening my grip on his hand. I stumbled back a step as he slammed into me, wrapping his free arm around me. He buried his face into my shoulder. After letting the knife slip from my hold, I started running my hand through his hair.

Releasing his hand, I pulled him closer to me as I rested my chin on the top of his head. He smelt like blood. It wasn't right. He should smell of motor oil and confidence.

My hand hit the dried blood on the back of his shirt. Feeling the long cut in the material, I slipped my fingers under it. Hesitantly, they brushed over the area. While covered with blood, the skin itself seemed otherwise smooth and unblemished under my touch. Like it had never happened.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. He didn't reply, but I could feel him shaking slightly in my hold. "Phineas?"

He pulled back a little, but didn't break away completely from me, head down. "It's- I don't blame you. You did what you had to," he said, voice unsteady. "Can we just... forget it happened?"

I don't think I'll ever be able to 'just forget' it. Nevertheless, I nodded.

The tension in his stance disappeared, and he gave me an easy smile. But I could still see the hint of fear in his eyes when he looked up at me.

It wouldn't be easy for him to 'just forget' either, but we could pretend for now.

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