Chapter 1: the Star, the Magician and the Rex

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We now go to a jail cell that was currently holding both Ben and the man he was helping out in that street brawl. "This is not my day" he muttered sitting on one of the beds of the cell, he would've talked to someone but all the other inmates had been scared to the other side because of his scary friend.

But not because he had intimidated them... okay he actually did, I mean look at the guy his appearance spells I'm a deadly force to be reckoned with. But that wasn't he only thing, the other part was... apparently this dude had voluntarily cooperated and locked himself in here. Even after the police said they'd let him go ruling it out as self defense but he wouldn't have it. Mainly due to he fact that he thought he was possessed by an evil spirit, which is actually convincing because.

He's got tons of stuff inside the cell that wasn't there earlier, "I don't think we've been properly introduced" Ben said to the man. "My name is Ben Tennyson" he introduced, "Jotaro Kujo" the person said listening to a radio.

"So why did those thugs try and pick a fight with you anyway? Couldn't have done something that bad to them?" Ben asked, "they just did, no reason whatsoever" Jotaro replied. Ben then saw he was reading a manga of some sort "where'd you get that thing anyway?" He asked confused "the evil spirit brought it here, probably to make me lower my defenses" he said before a translucent hand appeared out of his shoulder. Then grabbed the manga he was reading after he was done and set it down, "considering I can see it... I can believe it" Ben said dryly.

'Although that souls explain why he managed to beat up more of those guys that me' he added really thinking about it, and it was true. Jotaro seemed to be able to beat up most of those thugs, that was probably the spirit's doing. "Weird, nobody else can see it. How come you were able to?" Jotaro asked, "not sure, maybe a special few can see them" he shrugged. "Still it doesn't really seem evil, if anything it... seems to be rather overprotective" Ben suggested making he man scoff.

The shapeshifter then noticed the massive amount of stuff the spirit had brought in "not to mention generous" he added. A voice then called out Jotaro's name, sticking his head out of the cell Ben saw a... really pretty woman running to them. Was that Jotaro's girlfriend or wi.. "oh my son"

That snapped Ben to reality, his woman

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That snapped Ben to reality, his woman... was Jotaro's mother?! Ironic considering the man himself looks like a full grown man. And she looked fairly young, when she went over to him her son exploded.

Shut up!" Jotaro exploded, causing Ben to jump at his outburst. "You're so freaking annoying!"

Ben gawked at his new...acquaintance. The guy's mother had just come to see him and he shouted at her, cursed at her, and called her annoying? "God Jotaro! Did fall you're head or something what kind of son says that to his mother?!" Ben exclaimed rather defensively before a translucent arm like Jotaro's appeared out of his shoulder. And like with the officers they couldn't see it like Jotaro said, but oddly his mother could. Only instead of a human hand this was like an animal's claw and was green.

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