Chapter 5: Dark Blue Moon vs Draco Scarlet

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We now go to somewhere in the ocean, Ben and the team are sailing from Hong Kong to Singapore. "To get from Hong Kong to Singapore we'll be on the water for three full days. Well, let's relax and keep our spirits up, also... Ben" Joseph asked seeing the shapeshifter in question leaning on the side of the railing. "You doin Okay?" He asked, "f-fine... just getting used to the water, weird though, I never got sea sick in my life" he commented.

At the moment Ben was in a black and green tank top with a white trim and a pair of black and white shorts. "Just take it easy, ooph... looks like Rex there in the same boat with you" Mr. Joestar added pointing to Emerald Rex who was also on the boat's railing sticking his tongue out and was a bit white in the head. "Oh brother... HMPH?!" Ben gasped before leaning over the rail again. Though he hadn't thrown up once.

"Also, what the hell you two!" Joseph said to his grandson and Kakyoin who were still in their school uniforms, "what the heck is with those school uniforms? Isn't it ridiculously hot?" He asked. "Both of us are students," Kakyoin replied. "And good students should dress as students. Though we might be pushing it..." he added. "My school's didn't have a required uniform... (burp) oh god... my old cousin Gwen's old prep school might though? (Burp) good lord..." Ben managed to get out. "So this is bushido, like they say, clear your mind and even flames feel cool" Avdol commented.

"That's all well and good but that won't help you get any girls" Polnareff commented, "don't bet on it" Ben groaned before hearing someone yelling. "Let go! Let go of me! Dammit I said get off of me! What's your problem o said get off!" The voice had come from a boy sneak on board before they left port. "Hey who's that?! I thought we were assured there'd be no other passengers on board but us" Joseph said. "Sorry sir, it's a stowaway, we found this brat on the cabins below" a sailor said as the kid kept kicking and flailing.

"A stowaway?" Joseph repeated confused, "what're you waiting for?! come at me! I'll freaking break your balls!" The kid yelled

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"A stowaway?" Joseph repeated confused, "what're you waiting for?! come at me! I'll freaking break your balls!" The kid yelled. "Tell That to the police you little brat, I dare yah!" The sailor retorted making the kid stop. "P-please let me go! I just want to see my dad in Singapore. I'll do anything! Work me as hard as you want!"

The sailor pinched the boy's left cheek. "Hmm. What should I do? Should I let you go?" He grabbed the boy's right ear and started pulling it along with his cheek as the boy continued pleading. "Oh, what shall I do?" He let go of the boy's face before flicking his nose. "I ain't gonna let you go! Not a chance! First I'm gonna go get the captain so come with..." The boy lunged forward and bit down on the sailor's arm, causing him to cry out in pain. The boy then ran to the side of the boat and leaped over the railing into the water.

"Whoa, the kid just jumped in!" Polnareff said in amusement and some admiration. "What spunk!"

"Will that kid be able to swim back to the shore from here?" Kakyoin asked worriedly, walking over to the railing. "I'll go in and get the kid..." Ben groaned steadily standing up, "Wait Ben, you sure that's a good idea?" Jotaro asked, "if the kid jumped in that means he's at least a competent swimmer" he said. "Isn't very competent when there are man eating sharks in said water!" Ben retorted pointing out to sea as a several sharks had reared their fins to the surface. He narrowed his eyes before standing on the railing, "don't worry! Help's on the way!" He yelled jumping into the water, then bursted back out "whew, that feels so much better" he said before swimming to the child. "Better call in better sea legs, or better yet, some fishy fins" he said before turning his legs into Rip Jaws's tail. Then swam after the boy.

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