Chapter 4: Silver Chariot

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We see Ben and their latest enemy facing each other with Silver Chariot levitating above the Frenchman. "Hmmph, you your way around a sword I'll grant you that much" Avdol said when Ben adopted his poker face. "However it'll take more than mere ego to think Ben shall be will be defeated by the time the flames reach twelve" he added on when Ben raises his hand, "you're pride may very well be your undoing mr... uh... name?" He asked, "Pradonne-moi, it appears we haven't been introduced yet, my name is Jean Pierre Polnareff" he introduced.

"Well me Polnareff" Avdol said, "yes, Merci beaucoup, it's nice to know the name of one's opponent Polnareff, however!" Ben added before Emerald Rex appeared before roaring. At the same time the table with the clock bursted and fell forward, "back to the task at hand, if you're under the assumption that my flames burn upward or with the wind as they would in nature I assure you they do not. And since Ben's Stand has already copied my stand's abilities he assuredly has the same power, my Stand's name is Magician's Red, And it gets its name because it wields fire as though by magic" Avdol explained.

"Hmmph, Fire is what began life itself in this world, I should've expected so from a fiery stand like Magicians red. Who represents beginnings, though you dare to talk about pride and ego?" Polnareff said before taking something out of his pocket. "I assure you, my pride" he then tossed it up into the air revealing the objects to be coins "Is well deserved!"

In that second Silver Chariot had thrusted his rapier in that direction and what they saw astonished them. "In the fraction of a second the coins lined up, he Skewered all five of them in a single shot" Mr. Joestar said, "no look closer" Jotaro added, on the sword was not only the five coins, but also five pieces of fire. "I see it, you cut pieces of fire for every coin you got" Ben said, Jean smirked "now you know I am every bit deadly as I have said, it is not mere ego, my stand has the unrestricted power to cut fire as if it were ribbons, creating a vacuum and guiding the flames. Your fire is useless against me" he said.

"The power of Emerald Rex may have mastered the ferocity of Magicians Red, but even that fire fighter is powerless against the likes of my Silver Chariot" Polnareff said making his stand disappear. Then had some how teleported to the exit door "the hell?" Ben muttered, "Victory and conquest, that represents the card the chariot and defines my stand as well" he explained. "I could over power you in this cramped little place, as well as anywhere else, not very sporting though is it? Your powers may serve you in a much wider and open space. Beating you at the apex of your power Monsieur is the only victory worthy of my stand"

He then walked out "everyone! Follow me!" He yelled.

Later on everyone had followed the Stand User to a place with various statues, "what the hell kind of nonsense is this?!" Joesph asked confused by all the statues, "I believe they call this tiger balm garden" Kakyoin said, "I can see why, tiger stripes are complicated, can't get any more complicated than this" Ben commented. They followed Polnareff up the road until they got a large open area. "A prediction I may say, Ben Tennyson, you shall die here, destroyed by the power of your own stand Emerald Rex.
Ben took fighting stance before summoning said stand, Jotaro went to join him when he was stopped by Avdol "Jotaro don't, it's his fight" the fortune teller said.

"Thankfully in an open space like this, nothing can keep my stand or myself from fighting at full force" Ben said before turning into Omni, still with Emerald looking over him. Polnareff then charged "en garde! Come on! Come On! Nothing?! No sign of the power Avdol was crowing about of before?! Suit yourself! I shall prithee attack!" He said swiping at the two. "COME ON! COME ON! COME ON! COME ON! COME ON! COME ON! COME ON!"

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