Chapter 2: the Hermit and the Heirophant

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We now see the group in a local cafe, oddly the only one in the group who was in a perky mood was Jotaro's mother Holly. "Oh, thank goodness!" She beamed, hugging her son's arm. "Jotaro finally left his cell!"

"You're such a pain woman" the teenager grunted irritably, "Okay" Holly replied cheerfully. Which utterly confused Ben, "Hey you Punk! Don't talk to your mother that way!" Joseph snapped at his grandson. "And Holly! Don't smile after he insults you like that!" He added.

"Okay" she replied cheerfully again, Ben put his hands in the pockets of his jacket, still getting used to this family's dynamic. "So, Mr. Joestar. I was hoping you could tell me more about these Stands."

"Of course," Joseph said amicably. "What do you want to know first?" He asked. "How did you find out about stands in the first place?" Ben asked. "That's actually why I came over to here from New York in the first place. But to properly explain everything, I would have to start at the beginning." Joseph then took out several pictures. The first of a random ship, the second of an elongated open coffin, and the last of them being an inscription from it with the letters D I O on the side in gold.

"Dio?" Ben read, the elder Joestar nodded "That is a hundred year old coffin pulled from the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Africa four years ago."

Jotaro picked up the pictures and began looking through them. "A coffin?"

"I did some research after it came into my possession," Joseph went on. "I found out that four generations ago before Jotaro; my grandfather, Jonathan Joestar, died on the ship where this coffin was hidden."

Holly gasped. Jotaro looked at his grandfather sharply.

"I don't think I'm gonna like where this is going," Ben said, his hair standing on edge due to an odd feeling he had when something bad was about to be said. "Apparently it was empty by the time they discovered it," Joseph went on. "But I know exactly what was inside!"

"And what was inside?" Ben asked him. "Abdul and I are trying to track him down," Joseph explained.

"'Him'? Hold on!" Jotaro said. "You sound like you're talking about a living person. How could something lost at sea for a hundred years still be alive?". "You'd be surprised," Ben muttered under his breath. Joseph slammed his hand down on the table. "Because he is evil incarnate!" The man had exclaimed. "Who?" Ben asked. Then it came to him. "Dio?"

"That's right!" Joesph shouted "he's awakened from his hundred year sleep and it is our faith to do battle with him!" Ben scratched the back of his head. Now he was dealing with a hundred year old guy with some kind of grudge against the Joestar family? Just what he gotten himself into?

Jotaro on the other hand just scoffed and looked away. "What the hell was that, Jotaro?" Joseph demanded. "Don't give me the kind of face that says "this has nothing to do with me"!"

Jotaro looked back at Joseph. "This face means "That's stupid, I don't know what to say" old geezer." "Old geezer?!" Joseph fumed, clenching a fist.

Ben then spoke up "you seriously have a problem with authority don't you?" He asked making the teen scoff, "pardon Mr. Joestar, but who is Dio? If I may ask?" Ben asked. Mr. Joestar changed his attention to the shapeshifter. "Well, Ben. Long ago, the Joestar family welcomed a boy by the name of Dio Brando into their home. But like I said, Dio was evil incarnate. From what Granny Erina told me, he originally wanted the entire Joestar fortune all to himself, so he planned on killing my great grandfather, George Joestar, and tormented my grandfather Jonathan."

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