Chapter 3: Tower crashes plane

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Our view goes to a plane flying high in the sky, peeking inside we see Ben, Jotaro, Joseph, Avdol And Kakyoin. The latter four had been snoozing to recharge on their strength, Ben on the other hand was looking out the window. He had fallen asleep on the drive to the air port and the first few minutes of the plane ride.

He was keeping a sharp eye out for any enemy Stand users in the event they were ambushed in the air. 'Seems safe enough' he thought trying to reassure himself, then he heard something. Some sort of buzzing sounds, "okay... that's concerning" Ben muttered before summoning Emerald Rex, "look around to see anything" he whispered. Rex nodded in reply and used his enhanced vision to spot anything out of the ordinary, in a moment his eyes went wide. Then he shook Avdol to wake him up, "huh?" The fortune teller mumbled as he was awakened. "Avdol, I heard a buzzing sound and Emerald Rex found something in the darkness" Ben informed.

In response the others awoke as well, looking to the side they saw what Ben had seen, it was a small bug. "A rhino Beetle?" Jojo said looking at the insect, upon better inspection he found out what the animal really was. "No wait it's a stag beetle!", "hey Avdol, is that a Stand?" Joseph asked. "Are we already encountering another Stand user?", Avdol spoke up. "Possibly, it could be a stand that takes the shape of an insect" he replied before the bug disappeared.

"Hey it disappeared in the shadow of the seat cushions" Joseph said, standing and looking around the guys tried to find their buggy intruder. Kakyoin then exclaimed "Ben look out it's next to your head!", Ben then turned into Omni and used Ghost Freak's power to turn intangible to avoid the insect and summoned Emerald Rex. The Stand shrank down to the same size as the Beetle and shot several diamond shards at it.

Then it disappeared and reappeared a few feet from them now at a larger size, "woah! That thing is huge, it has to be a Stand!" Kakyoin said. The insect then opened a mouth with sharp teeth between its mandibles and stuck out some kind of proboscis equipped with a set of jaws. "And no doubt it's here for us", "It's disgusting, just sit tight, I'll take care of it" Jotaro said summoning Star Platinum. "Be extremely cautious, I've heard tales a user with an insect stand who likes to rip out the tongues out of his victims before they die" Avdol warned.

Jojo's Stand then went for a punch only for the stand to disappear, "it dodged him! It dodged Star Platinum, a Stand fast enough to catch flying bullets!" Avdol exclaimed

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Jojo's Stand then went for a punch only for the stand to disappear, "it dodged him! It dodged Star Platinum, a Stand fast enough to catch flying bullets!" Avdol exclaimed. "Then there ain't no doubt about it. That thing is a Stand, where is he?" Kakyoin said looking around. "Where's the user controlling it?!"

"Emerald Rex!" Ben yelled as said Stand appeared again before his arms began to uncoil and turn into long tendrils. "Emerald splash!" The Stand roared as he created a liquid in his palms and blasted, throwing dozens of green crystals at the bug. This was a move Emerald Rex got from Kakyoin's Stand Hierophant Green.

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