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"Well from my experience Jimin is shit at helping with that stuff so I'm not surprised."

"I was just a kid... And he took everything from me..."

"He can't have taken everything, maybe you should try and face your fear,"

"I face my fear everyday, every time I go online, every time I even go outside..."

"No you get anxiety from it, to face it you need to redo what happened and see that nothing bad is gonna happen,"

"I will NEVER do that, not to me not to anyone," He says moving to sit up with his face in his hands.

"I can't really say what to do instead since I don't know what happened..."

"I was fucking 16.... I was so dumb I didn't think-..." He shakes his head.

I sigh hugging him tightly, gently running my fingers through his hair in an attempt to calm him down.

"I was so desprate not to be a virgin that I didn't care who I slept with, I didnt care that he was a ass, I only cared that he was hot and willing to sleep with a nobody,"

"What about it made it so traumatic?"

"I was so fucking drunk that I didn't care that he filmed it, I didnt care that my face was in the video... I didnt care..." he whispers.

"So to face it I guess you'd need someone you trust to record you?"

"I wont do that Jungkook... Do you wanna know what happened after that shitty session?"

I nod hesitently, "But first, I never said facing your fear would be easy, and I guarantee it would help a lot,"

"No it will never be ok. He put it online. Used my name in the title, it went riral... Even today if you google my name that is the first thing that comes up..."

"I'm not saying post another video," I sigh unsure of how to reaact to what he's saying.

"I won't..." He harshly rubbed his eyes with the side of his hand, "I promise it will help... You just need to be optimistic,"

"My dad was never happy that I was gay but then he found out about the video.... He called me a fucking faggot whore and tossed me to the streets... My grandparents took me in because I have no one else..."

"That won't happen again, I won't let it happen," I kiss his cheek giving him my most convincing smile.

"No Jungkook! I said no!" He stands up walking away from me, his chest rising and falling quickly.

"Okay," I sigh bringing my knees to my chest, "It's not like I was ever gonna force you,"

He placed his hand over his chest as though he was trying to calm himself but it wasnt working, tears were welling and falling from his eyes dripping down his cheek and dripping from his chin.

"Tae, nothings gonna happen unless you're okay with it now, there's nothing to stress about,"

He ran his fingers through his hair gripping the front of it, "He took so much from me! I couldnt get a job anywhere! Now I'm nothing but an outdated pornstar!" His chest heaved up and down.

"I dont know... My solutions always been to face it and you don't want to,"

He grips the front of the t-shirt he was wearing "I-i cant breath," He says with a gasp tears speeding down his face quicker now.

I hug him, rubbing his back soothingly, "It's okay, you don't have to worry,"

He was shaking in my arms his fingers knotting in my hair lightly as if he needed something to hold.

I bite my lip trying to think of what to do, "You know I'll never force you into anything, right?"

He gently sobs against my shoulder nodding as a response.

"Maybe it would help if you recorded me?" I mumble still trying to think of things that might help him, (and failing miserably).

He shook his head sniffing, "No. Never."

"But I dont mind... It's not like you'd do anything with it, I trust you,"

He shakes his head again taking a deep shakey breath in, "... Okay but if you change your mind I'm happy to help,"

He hides his face against my neck his hands de-tangling from my hair to hug around my waist.

I hug him back standing with him in silence as he starts to calm down.

"You should go back to Namjoon, he would start to get bitchy by now,"

"Hm I think he's scared of you so I should be okay,"

"You should though... I- i think I need to be alone..."

"Don't do anything bad, okay?"

"I wont..."

I kiss his lips lightly, "I'll see you whenever you feel like it then," I say walking towards the door.

"Ok." He says offering me a small smile, "Bye~" I grab my jacket before leaving.

He closed the door behind me and I make my way home.

Taehyung's p.o.v

I slide down the door as soon as I close it, I mutter a few curses as I think over my few memories from the night before.

I said I loved him... What the fuck would I do that for?... Do I actually love him?....

I don't think he remembers anything but if he did would he actually tell me?

I groan in frustration pressing my face into my hands "I said no strings attatched and I'm the one making the fucking wool, that the hell is wrong with me?"

I sigh pushing myself up off the floor to get some water, thinking of ways to become unattached to him.

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