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"Do you think Namjoon would actually kick me out if I start working out or dancing again like he said he would?"

"He can't kick you out for working out. That would be crazy on his part."

"He said he would, He never lied about that stuff before,"

"But you wanting to keep fit isn't a reason for you to leave. Holy damn he is such a dick,"

"He thinks working out and dancing is stupid and a waste of time and he doesn't wanna live with someone who does it,"

"You could do it in secret?"

"He'd see the muscle, I tried before."

"Well, wear baggy clothes. It would hide it a bit,"

"Yeah, I did last time, but when I had to buy new clothes he caught on,"

"Maybe you could take a holiday and work out then? He at least lets you have holidays right?"

He shrugs lifting the weight up to his shoulder, "I don't have anywhere to go on holiday so I never asked him,"

"We could go somewhere. Book a hotel room or something?" I suggest with a chuckle.

"And what do I do when we come back? Be homeless?" I coo finally abandoning the weight to sit on his lap.

"You could always lie, say you just happened to get muscle by accident?"

"And then watch as it turns to fat again? And if I'm gonna start working out, I'm gonna wanna dance too, he eould definitely notice,"

"I could help with both. Be your personal trainer,"

"That would be good... As long as you promise not to be degrading,"

"Well... as long as that doesnt stretch as far as the bedroom. That can be at least a little bit degraiding right?"

"You can be as degrading as you like when you fuck me," He smiles laying on my chest.

"Thats the spirit baby boy," I chuckle pecking his lips.

"So, when do we start training, Daddy?" He coos biting his lip teasingly.

"Hmm bend over that bench and i could work you out baby boy," I chuckle pecking his neck.

"Are you serious...?" He asks tracing his finger across my collar bone.

"Nah. I'm only kidding. This equiptment cost' too much to stain,"

"I'd clean it..."

"Maybe some over time. But maybe we could start with the cross trainer?"

"... Now?"

"Wanna start now?"

"I thought you were gonna fuck me now..." He sits up on my lap looking down out of embarrassment.

"You want Daddy to fuck you now?" I tease running my finger down his chest, he nods brushing his hands over my stomach.

"Wanna go to the room?" I smirk kissing along his jaw, he shrugs letting his head fall to the side giving me more access to his neck.

"Hmm does baby want Daddy to make him feel good?" I coo moving to kiss below his ear lobe.

"Yes," Jungkook whispers starting to grind against me on my lap.

"Hmm baby wants daddy to fuck him? How badly does baby want it?"

"Bad enough to stall working out?"

"You think Daddy wont make you work for him?" I hum evily "Baby gonna feel strain in every one of your muscles~"

"Hm? How will you do that?" He smirks leaning back with his hands on my knees.

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