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Would love to dedicate this chapter to CrazyCal. Thanks for the support girl! ♡


"Why don't YOU tell me what's wrong. You've been stalking us ever since we got here." Aiden shot back still not wavering his gaze.

"Stalking you?" the man let out a fake chuckle. "Don't be a narcissistic kid. What would I get out of stalking you?" the man defended himself finally looking away.

Out of personal experience I can vouch that it's the one who looks away first that's usually guilty. And the man looked away first. Just saying.

"Who knows. Maybe you are involved in some sort of cyber crime. You take my pictures and then the next thing I see is a naked me all over the net, where I'm flashing stuff I didn't actually flash because you photo shopped me. A naked me is not good for the girls' hearts man." Aiden winked at the guy. "And if mom ends up seeing the pictures she is going to screw me. Of course not literally 'screw me'. She is my mom for god sake you perv. My MOM. God you have such a dirty mind. What if she deprives me of cookies as a punishment? That can't happen! I won't let that happen." Aiden finished horrified.

The man was now staring at Aiden like he had grown a second head, a second nose and a second mouth. In short Aiden was being stared at like he didn't belong to the 'Homo sapien' group.

"I don't know what you are talking about," the stranger finally spoke when he found his voice after staring at Aiden for one whole minute.

"Well looks like Aiden will handle things here. I'll go grab my jacket which I seem to have forgotten inside." Sam said pointing back at movie hall and began to walk away.

"You're really going to leave this to Aiden?" I asked in disbelief. "He will only land himself in deeper trouble. No offence but the guy has got the word 'drama' tattooed on his fore head." I squealed in a hushed tone.

"Oh you very well know what he's talking about. You left the hall in the middle of the movie after she left and returned just after she walked in. You think we are kids who don't notice things?" Nate spoke this time coming up beside Aiden.

What is with these guys. You don't go confront strangers taking your pictures on your own. They could be dangerous. You need back up. I turned to Sam for help but he was already gone. Great!

"I had to use the restroom in the middle boy. The timing could have been a mere coincidence." the man snapped visibly irritated by the allegations.

"Twenty minutes at the restroom? You have some serious constipation problems man. My dad is a doctor. I could give you his number." Aiden said in all seriousness.

Is this guy for real. The girls and I were barely holding back our laugh.

"Or maybe he just has a really huge bladder. So which one is it?" Nate questioned raising his eyebrow.

And Spencer let it out. Her laugh echoing through the now almost empty hallway.

"I... I was... Look just because you come from rich, influential families doesn't mean you can pull out this kind of shit." the man bursted as his face turned a dark shade of red.

I wonder if it was the anger or the embarrassment that triggered the redness. Maybe it was both.

"What are you still doing standing around. It's almost thirty minutes since the movie," Nate questioned completely ignoring the man's previous sentence.

"I could ask you the same question kid. But anyway I'm waiting for my date," the man answered.

"You are waiting for your girlfriend after the movie is over? Aren't you suppose to watch it together holding hands, whispering silly stuff and all that kind drama." Aiden questioned seeming genuinely interested.

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