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Would like to dedicate this chapter to KewenMero for being the amazing person she is. You rock ♡.

Holy mother of hotness. Don't drool Aria.

Nate walked in looking smokin' hot in a black armani suit and a crisp white shirt with the tie hanging slightly loose around the collar.

My subconscious was swooning.

The only eyesore was the blonde sugar candy wrapped around his arm, a candy called Ashley.

She really instigates my inner serial killer.

"Ladies and gentlemen I believe we finally have a Williams amongst us today," Mr. Maximilano started.

The crowd fell silent for a few seconds before hushed conversations took over.

"One of the most talked about families of the business world who seem to lead quite a private life has finally decided to show up at an event. At my event. I'm honoured. Yes, it's the Williams, sadly not Adam or Sarah but their beautiful daughter Arianna. And I would forever be indebted to her if she could start today's dance with her date," he finished with

the announcement and began searching the crowd for Miss Williams. I mean ME.

I stood there with my mouth open. I don't even have a date.

"Enjoy the spotlight while you still can Aria. It won't be long before people lose interest in you. Just a matter of time," Ashley chimed in.

"Exactly. Just a matter of time before you realise what a bitc- female dog I can really be especially to female dogs like you. Now that I've showed up, things around here are going to start playing out a little different Green. Anyway I've got more important things in hand right now than sit and chat about how ignorant you are," I retorted.

"Right. Like finding a date?" she scoffed.

That's right. I don't have an effing date.

Calm down Aria. It's going to be okay. Deep breaths. Breath in. Breath out. In. Out. In. Out.


Oh! Shut up. How is slow breathing going to teach me slow dancing. Or any other type of dancing for that matter.

Believe me I would have tried even though I have the dance moves of a frog, I would have tried IF I had a date.

I am so screwed.

People now spotted me and started moving out of my way creating a path to the center of the room applauding.

Aria time for you to book a return ticket  to England because after these people see your dance today they will label you a nutcase. I gulped and took a step forward.

Dancing is just not my thing. It calls for far too much concentration and coordination. And those are qualities I have in very limited amounts. Very, very limited amounts. So I need to stock them up for other life altering situations. Not something like this.

Mr. Maximilano walked up to me and held my hand as he walked me to the centre.

"Hope you are enjoying your stay in Cypress Valley princess," he smiled, a

little too wide as he let go.

Hope you are enjoying your stay in Cypress Valley princess.

His statement kept resounding at the back of my head. Where did I hear that before? Damn. Think Aria.

That's right! The very first blackmail letter I received. I've read and re-read that letter a million times. I am positive it was signed in a similar way.

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