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This chapter is dedicated to BeautybyShi. Thank you for the support. ♡


I immediately grabbed my phone and dialed in the one number that always gets me out of trouble. He answered on the third ring.

"Hello Aria. Sorry I haven't been able to call much lately. There is just so much work that I need to take care of here and so many new assignments too. How is everything back there?" he spoke into the phone sounding genuinely concerned. "Hello Aria?" he spoke again when I didn't answer.

"Um... I'm in... I mean we... As in Ryan and I are in trouble Paul," I stuttered into the phone.

"I need you to elaborate that for me. What kind of trouble?" he asked slowly.

"Yesterday I found a picture by my door and behind it there was something written about mom and dad's death not being a secret anymore," I revealed.

"You found it yesterday and you tell me now?" he questioned sounding angry.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I thought it was just some stupid harmless prank by someone." I reasoned.

"And why do you think it's not a stupid harmless prank anymore?" he asked calmly.

"I got another letter today," I stated looking down at the letter in my hand.

"What? Another one? Who sent it? What did it say?" he sounded even more alert this time.

"The sender stayed anonymous," I sighed into the phone.

"Did he mention anything about Adam and Sarah's death?" he asked worried. The fear in his voice didn't go unnoticed.

"No. Why would he? That part was already made clear in the previous letter," I explained as I started to head up to my room.

"Then what on earth did he want?" Paul snarled.

"They wanted us to step back from some Mediterranean shipyard deal," I told him.

"Or?" he interposed.

"Ryan and I would have to face the concequences," I simply stated now entering my room.

"Damn. Those opportunistic scoundrels," he let out agitated and the line went silent for some time.

"Paul?" I spoke up. I could hear his fast, shallow breathing through the phone.

"I only own about ninteen percent of the shares in the shipyard deal Aria. So only me withdrawing now won't make a significant effect. And for the others to withdraw I need to give them a good enough reason which in my opinion is simply telling them the truth," he tried explaining.

"But he has strictly warned us against mentioning about this to anyone," I oppsed as my grip on the letter tightened crumpling it.

"Exactly. That's why my hand are tied. And I don't think Mr. Morgan and Mr. De' Santos would agree even if I give them the real reason. They wouldn't give a damn about your lives. For those two it's always been about business. Damn! This is precisely why I needed you two to stay close to me. That place has always bought us only bad news," The anger in his voice was evident.

"Paul please. You can't keep us caged forever," I tried reasoning.

"I will if that is what it takes to keep you both safe. You kids are my responsibility. I need you both alive. Otherwise there won't be a meaning to all this," he stated plainly with no emotion.

"I get you but-" before I could finish Paul cut me short.

"How long do I have?" he questioned.

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