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Friday June 14th, 7:42am

I woke up feeling a comfortable warmth around me. I sheepishly opened my eyes and realized I had fallen asleep in Gilbert's arms the previous night. I smiled. I then looked around to see Jerry and Ruby as well as Josie and Billy, and Diana and Charlie sleeping in each other's arms. I looked back at Gilbert who slightly opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"Good morning beautiful" he said in a low sleepy voice and then he kissed my forehead.

"Hey" I simply said. I opened my phone and checked the time.

"It's still early, i mean it's vacation after all" i told Gilbert, still whispering, as I wanted to cuddle with him a little more.

"So let's go back to sleep then" he lightly chuckled and I did too. I placed my head and arms on his chest. I could hear the rhythmic beat of his heart, as he stroked my hair with one hand and my back with the other. Then I fell asleep.


TIME SKIP- 10:23am


I woke up and looked around me. Everyone was still asleep, Josie in my arms. She seemed so calm and so small, I adored watching her. Then I noticed Jerry and Tillie waking up as well. I mouthed 'good morning' to them and they did back. You see Tillie wasn't engulfed in someone's arms, so she easily got up without waking up anyone or making any noise. She looked both at me and Jerry noticing that we both had am asleep girl on our laps and she let out an inaudible chuckle. I rolled my eyes while Jerry just looked down at Ruby and smiled.

Tillie went into the kitchen and soon came out holding 3 cups of hot chocolate, as it was cold today. Great summer huh, I thought. She passed each one of Jerry and I a cup and sat down on the pillow she was asleep before. We all stayed in a comfortable silence, sipping our chocolates while waiting for the others to wake up. Diana was the first to wake up who accidentally woke up Charlie and made us silently laugh. They made some chocolate for themselves too and sat with us again.

We were all up now except from Anne and Gilbert. We were at the kitchen as we didn't want to wake up the sleepy couple. Suddenly we heard Anne calling Gilbert's name all concerned and worried.

"Gilbert!? Gilbert wake up! Sweetheart are you alright!?" we heard her say and immediately stormed out of the kitchen to find out what happened.


I woke up hearing Gilbert breathing heavily. I opened my eyes and noticed sweat spread all over his face and palms. His heart was beating like crazy and his expression seemed like a mixture of fear and worry. He must have been having a nightmare.

"Gilbert!? Gilbert wake up!" I shouted shaking him. I didn't know what to do, don't judge me, I panicked! I saw him open his eyes as his breathing started to get back to normal as well as his heartbeat.

"Sweetheart are you alright!?" I asked him caressing his cheek. His eyes turned soft as he took in what had happened.

"I.. yes.. yes I just had a n-nightmare. I keep having those since my dad died a-and.." he started but paused. I noticed he was getting upset again so I squeezed his hand. I then noticed the others had come to the room and decided I would let it down for the time.

"It's ok Gil relax. I'm gonna bring you some water ok?" I told and him and he nodded as I got up.

I entered the kitchen, everyone else behind me.

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