Not Meaning to be Rude but..

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The machine made a weird sound moving its neck and head.

"Wait you can hear it's thoughts?" the guy in blue armor yelled.

"Yes," I replied looking back at him. He put his hands on his head, closed his eyes tightly, then started looking like he was running out of air.

"My sword went thru you," Keith implied.

"Yes, indeed it did," I said.

"I am Shiro," roboto told me walking up holding his robotic hand out.

"Nothing personal but I'm not shaking your robotic hand," I told him, he offered his other hand which I shook.

"I'm Lance, and your cute," the blue armor said placing his arm around my shoulder.

"No I'm Althea and your dead in three ticks," I told him with a smile that said the opposing thing. He removed his arm from around my shoulders.

"Home!" the voice in my head yelled as I was scooped up by the lion. It was the first one to take off.

"I thought I controlled you!" I yelled.

"No one controls me!" the voice yelled back into my head. Something appeared on my glass, it was the face of the guy named Shiro.

"Do you know where you going?" he asked.

"Nope, not a clue," I said,"but I'm not controlling the "lion" but it seems to know where it's going. So I'll leave it at that."

"Wow you have like no dashboard," another thing popped up on my screen, the blueberries face.

"How did Keith crash on that island anyway?" I asked.

"How do you know my name?" another one of those things popped up showing the flat face of the guy I saved. He had dried blood on his face.

"I mean blueberry was yelling Keith so I put two and two together," I replied simply.

"Blueberry?" Lance inquired.

"Wow," another thing popped up showing two guys. One had large round glasses, and fluffy light brown hair. He seemed lean, wait is that a she? I can't tell from here. The other was a rather big person, with darker brown hair.

"They ended up fighting some bots during training and Keith got hit pretty hard sending him tumbling, but I guess his lion is alright. Your the other paladin?" the one with round glasses asked.

"Paladin?" I asked.
"You control the white lion right?" they asked.

"Most of the time."

"Well I Pidge and this is Hunk," they said pointing to the fat guy. He seemed to look sick.

"I know this is going to come off as rude but I don't want to call you the wrong gender, are you male or female? I'm having trouble telling from here."

"I'm a girl," she rolled her eyes. 

The screens popped off as a large floating castle came into view.

"Allura," I mumbled to myself thru the lion.

The lion went into a chamber letting me jump out. There was a white jet looking thing that I hopped into. I noticed that the white lion was surrounded by a barrier it seemed as I rolled away. I was shot into a hallway seeing a glowing face. It was Pidge if I got the name right.

"Pidge right?" I asked blakely.

"You can orb thru things right, can you show me?" she asked brightly.

"Sure," I replied walking thru a wall. It was right next to a door that she followed me thru. There was what looked to be the main central. Where the ship would be controlled from. There was a dark haired women with light white hair, pointy ears she came to greet me.

"Tsk," a sound escaped from my head as a voice repeated loudly in my head.

"Alara! Alura! Alura!" 

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