Chapter 2 -Hospital-

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I woke up with my head hurting like crazy. I tried to open my eyes but then even the smallest amount of light hurt. Urgh, everything hurt. "You're awake," I heard someone say. It was Mom, and she took my hand in hers. "How are you feeling sweetie?" 

"Like crap." I said, slowly opening my eyes. After a few minutes my vision slowly started coming back into check.  I saw a tube running into my arm from an upside down bag on a pole next to the bed. "Am I in the hospital?" 

"For a little over a day sweetie. It's around eleven at night. You fell yesterday around five." I started to panic. I had a major assignment due in one of my classes, and then Mom must have seen my worried look. "Don't worry. Your professors are giving you an extension on whatever work you have. Melanie told them what happened. They all send their best wishes." I relaxed a little bit, but then saw how tired Mom looked. 

"Why are you here? You should be at home, sleeping. Not here talking to your daughter," I said. Mom laughed slightly, pushing her brown hair out of her tired eyes. 

"I sleep when they set up your IV, and you'll have to stay here for a little longer. Do you remember anything?" I thought back. 

"I remember the box. Then everything up until here's all cloudy." Mom nodded. "They diagnosed you with some head injury but I don't exactly remember what it's called. They said it was a good thing that Melanie had called so quickly." 

"Well I'm going to be out soon, right?" Mom nodded. 

"They said that you would be let out in a day or two. But they said it would be better to take a short break from school in case your head injury worsens, so you'll probably be going back to campus in a week or two since they want you to be available for testing." Mom said. "And I'll bring you food for when you're here, because let's be real sweetie. Hospital food isn't great." 

"Thanks Mom," I said, all of a sudden feeling quite sleepy. I closed my eyes and soon sleep whisked me away. 

Just like Mom had said, I was released from the hospital after about a day. The doctors had told me just to take it easy, do teenagery things like watch tv and eat cookies. I was kinda offended but I let it go since they were old and probably didn't remember much about teenage hood other than a blur of papers and projects. 

Plus I could use it as an excuse to hog the cookies. Mom's cookies were to die for. I remember at one point I had contemplated selling my soul to get a box of her cookies. But I didn't end up selling my soul because Mom had brought me some. Mom is great, I love her so much. 

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