Chapter 4

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I watch her scurried away to the bathroom as fast as she could. Her naked butt made my little Johnathan hardened for the nth time just this night.

'She really is a tease.' I thought as I pretend to laugh, so she wouldn't know that I wanted to take her down again, until she shuts the door. It was amazing watching her convulse with pleasure and screamed my name.

She's not my first. Heck, I couldn't even count all the girls I slept with. Not that I care about it, though. The only person I care right now is Betty. And it made me happy knowing I will always be her first.

Ever since I saw her, I had the urge to make her happy. She's like a happy-go-lucky brat on the outside. But when you come to know her, she's kind of shy and reserved.

It makes me happy when I see her smile. And her laugh.. Oh, her laughter is music to my ears! Specially when I know I'm the reason behind it.

I truly love that beautiful lady, who's still in my bathroom, by the way.

She's like an angel-Wait! Did I just say something about.. LOVE?

I felt myself heat up.

Real men like me don't believe in fantasy. Love was created by people who wants to fool each other. It's just a lie, a big fat lie.

I heard a shuffle inside the bathroom and I panic.

Oh, Shit. She must not see me!

Shit! Shit! Shit!

Without another thought, I gra a pen and a crumpled paper from my bedside table and scribbled a short note. I placed it at the center of my unmade bed. Her blood is clearly visible on my white sheets and I push down the guilt that I suddenly feel.

I plucked out a shirt and pants from my closet and a boxers from the drawer.

I put on my clothes as fast as I can and run to the door as the bathroom door starts to open.

I heard her call my name but I still run to the elevator.

I don't know what possessed me but I just need to stay away from her. She's going to ruin everything. I can't afford to be in love. Not when everything is finally moving up.

I reach the basement in no time. The security recognized me immediately and handed me my car keys.

If you're wondering why he has my keys, well, I paid him extra to keep another copy of it because I always kinda forget my keys in the penthouse. And when I'm in a rush, like this time for example, I can't afford to go back up there.

I thanked Royce as I grabbed the keys from him.

"I see. You're in such a hurry again, kid!" He chuckled as he pointed something on the ground.

I look down to see what amuses this old man. And all I saw was my dirty feet. Bare dirty feet, AGAIN!

"Ah.. HAHA" I nervously laughed while scratching the back of my head.

Royce looks even more amused and I think of anything that would pass as an excuse until I come up with something.

"I should go buy some new shoes. Or slippers? That's the only reason why I'm rushing." Before I further embarrass myself, I wave Royce goodbye and started walking to my car.

"Sure, you do. But the lady up their needs anything but shoes." I heard him muttered to himself but it was loud enough for me to hear.

When I drove my car, I can't help but ask myself if what I'm doing right now is really for the best.

That's the only thing I kept asking myself when I reached Harry's place.

I barged in without knocking, since he always does the same to me.

"Harry, let's go to Kroll's!" I yelled as I entered his living room.

I heard noises from the bedroom but I thought it was only him jerking himself. Ew!

"What the fuck!"

I pulled my best friend off the top of my sister. They are both topless and looks like if I didn't came in, she would have lost herself to this playboy.

"What the heck, Trish! You're better than this!"

I glared at Trisha and Harry. I couldn't believe they went behind my back. We're like inseparable trio since kids.

"I love her, John. I will never hurt her!" Harry pleads nervously.

Huh, he should be nervous! That's my baby sister he just touched!

"Bullcrap! Stay away from her!" I grabbed Trisha's hand and began pulling her towards the door when Harry speak again.

"Stay away from her? I think it's the opposite, John. She came here for a taste, I just simply comply."

"Put this on!" She obeys as I pick up her blouse from the floor. "And wait in the car."

As soon as my sister got out, I storm menacingly to the bastard to sucker punch his face.

He didn't dodge my fist. He just stared at me as I punches his jaw and stomach.

I walkout as soon as he bend down.

Great! I just lost two important people in a span of an hour.

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