~°Chapter One°~

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You watched in complete horror as your mother's chest stopped rising up and down, her body went limp on the hospital bed, the only sound ringing in your ears was the heart monitors beeping. Tears sprung in the corners of your eyes as everything beyond that point became a blurry haze with faded sounds in the background.

     A sudden beeping sound echoed loudly through the bedroom. You groaned, shuffling over to switch it off, your hand fumbling with the electronic box until you found the off switch. You were still disoriented from waking up with such a jolt.

    The clock read 6:30. You rolled over on your back and just stared at the ceiling, looking at a picture that was taped up there. 'Stay strong, today will be a better day' the poster read. It was enough motivation to get you out of your bed and head to school.

"Let's just get through with the day.." You muttered depressingly. The corners of your mouth drooped downwards into a resting frown.

    You yawned and forced yourself off of the grubby mattress, feet touching the cold floor sent a shiver down your spine. You slept on the floor with nothing but a dirty mattress and blanket, beside that being a very cheap and destroyed alarm clock. You made your way to your bathroom, which was conveniently conjoined with your room.

    You locked the bathroom door behind you and stared at your reflection in the mirror. Your eyes had sunken into dark hollows of no soul, your smile was broken in two and the way your eyes glanced.

   You sighed sadly knowing you'll have to go back to that hell hole called school where you'll just be judged and ridiculed the whole time. What was the point of even going? You didn't have a future planned out, the only thing you expected out of life was disappointment because that's all it ever was leading up to this point. The only thing you saw yourself in the future would be inside a worn out box on the streets, wearing disgustingly dirty clothes that reeked along with everything else.

    You were constantly bullied at school, even by the teachers. For years no one welcomed you, you were always physically and emotionally abused. You had no friends, no one to turn to, no shoulder to cry on...you were always alone.

    You glanced at the shiny razor splattered with dry crimson, that laid there on your sink, practically calling out your name to just relieve the pain. Allowing the sharp blade piece into your flesh.

Shaking your head, you dismissed the thoughts and did your usual morning necessities. The last thing you'd want is to arrive at school with blood cascading down your arms.

    Yawning again, you quickly washed up and did your morning rituals, then proceeded to get dressed into an outfit that consisted of a long sleeve shirt and jeans.

Looking out of the bedroom window, you surveyed the surrounding area. Everything was covered in a coat of snow, snowflakes slowly ascended down from the sky to the ground.

'The snow came earlier this year,' You though to yourself with the smallest twinge of happiness.

   You loved the winter. Despite the neverending battle with depression, the beautiful winter always etched a smile onto your face.

    You remember life here as a child, just before your mother passed away from cancer. Your father was out almost every night at a bar, drinking all his sorrows away. Ever since your mother had been diagnosed with cancer it was hard for you and your father to cope. His only way around the pain was drinking, which lead to him neglecting you. Sometimes he physical abused you.

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