~°Chapter Five°~

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      Jack embosomed you steadily in his arms, hugging either sides of your torso and holding you closely to his chest. The arms around your torso felt strong, but oddly warm, and allowed you to feel a sense of of security and protection. Your body was so close to his that the only thing in between the both of you was the fabric of your clothing. You allowed him to freely soar with you through the open air in the beautiful obsidian darkness of the sky, filled with shimmering speckles of stars millions of miles away.  He kept you so close to him that you began to feel a peaceful sensation of tranquility take over, and all of your problems seemed to have vanished.

      He moved in a way that had the both of you positioned standing upright. With a smooth twirl of his hand, a gust of cloud collected underneath your feet and created an almost platform for you to take stand on. The fluffy clouds tickled as they grazed delicately at the bottom of your feet and toes.

Jack looked at you in the eye, the left side of his soft pink lip tugged upwards into a small smirk. 
“Care to share a dance with me, my Snowflake~?” he squeezed your hand tighter before pressing your body to his chest.

You narrowed your eyes at him in a glare. “Hey, I didn't give my consent first.” you stated boldly.

“But I already knew you were going say yes so what was the point in waiting for your answer?” he assured confidently in his own self arrogance, his lip twitching upwards more.

This made you roll your eyes, biting your inner cheek to prevent yourself from smiling at his goofiness. “You knew I was going to say "yes", eh?”

A grin broadened in his countenance, lifting his striking eyes and complimenting his attractive facial and youthful features. “Of course! Who could say no to a handsome face like this?” his grin promptly turned into a egotistical smirk as he gestured to his face.

“Dork.” you simpered, shaking your head from side to side.

      He chortled and propped one hand on your hip, the other continued to stay into your hand and very lightly he stroked your palm. A pinkish glow tinted your cheeks, blossoming your face with a light rouge blush.

      Eyeing him, your hand glided to his shoulder where you held a firm but gentle grip onto his shoulder blade. You blinked, glimmering your (E/c) eyes up at him in slight puzzlement.

Taking notice in your state if confusion, he spoke, “Follow my movements,” he instructed.

“We're really dancing?” you said aloud in bewilderment. “Here and now?”

“You betcha!” he bubbled happily.

“But we are in the sky, how is that possible?”

“(Y/n), when you're with me, the possible becomes possible.” was all he said.

      Jack moved to the side, taking a step to the right. You stood there immobile for a brief moment before he ushered you to continue on, gleaming hope sparkling in his irises and the softest smile tracing his lips. Following in suit you took a right step as well. This proceeded on for a few more moments- the two of you taking steps; left, right, left, right. The white haired male whisked you away into a dance, guiding you across the cloudy dance floor that formed itself beneath your toes. You remembered that he had been gifted the power of wind, and that the fluffy floor he created was from his own power. Truly remarkable. The two of you danced around in the sky as if you were in a dream, or a fantasy. That moment to you, was a living fantasy. It created a special bond- a stronger connection between the both of you.

Frozen In Love | Jack Frost x Depressed!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now