Chapter 17

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(I'm not even kidding. I thought this was chapter nine.)

~~~~~~~~~~Y/N's POV~~~~~~~~~~~

Home. Man, do I love home.

Because there's free food.

"Y/N, you're back." Dad said from the couch. He was sitting in front of the tv, watching some golf show.

"Yeah. I kinda live here." I muttered, rolling my eyes. Dad frowned.

"Lose the attitude, Pookie."

I sighed. He still calls me Pookie, even though I'm sixteen.

I walked to the fridge, opening it up and finding.....nothing. of course. Dad hasn't gone shopping in a while, and Mom hasn't been around very often. She says its because of work, but I know better. Every time she comes home, I smell the alcohol on her. These days she's always at the bar. Barely around home. She missed my sixteenth birthday last year, partying with her coworkers. She didn't even wish me a happy birthday.

At least Dad is in control of his drinking. He drinks only on weekends, when he doesn't work, and is always there for me. He threw me a sweet sixteen, he bought me my first car, my first phone. He helped me find a job. He actually cared.

I closed the fridge door and grabbed my purse and keys. "I'm going to the store." I called before leaving.

I was pushing my cart around Walmart. since I grabbed everything we needed, I decided to look around, treat myself. After all, I did last a week at Fazbear's. That's a great accomplishment, I think.

I ended up in the toy aisle. I figured that the animatronics might want some things to play with when they're not performing. Especially the out of order animatronics. It must be so boring in the Parts and Service room.

I grabbed some hula hoops, jump ropes, skateboards, board games, roller blades, puzzles, hot wheel cars, a football, a mini ping pong set, and twister. They haven't had any food other than pizza, so I bought potato salad, a snack tray, donuts, strawberries, soda, subs, and the $1 snacks near the entrance.

Sheesh, I might as well be their mother. Oh well. This is the only way to show them the world. Or is it?

~~~~le time skip~~~~~~

Carl's POV:

The pizzeria is boring. Especially since I've been replaced by a girl. We all know she's not better than me though. I have more experience and talent than she does.

Once again, I was hiding in the Parts and Service room with the other disappointments. Except Chica and myself. We were the talented ones, the special ones. Mr. Boss just never told any of the others because he didn't want to upset them.

"Is Y/N coming back?" Bonnie asked, ears drooped sadly. We were in animatronic form, so I couldn't say anything, seeing that I was a cupcake.

"No. She has the night shift." Freddy sighed, staring at the ceiling.

Good riddance, I thought. Y/N bothers me. She's so annoying. I don't know how the others can like her. Shes mean and ruthless and doesn't care about cupcakes. If only she would quit her job. Or get fired.

Hmmmm... I smiled to myself.

~~~~~~~~Foxy's POV~~~~~~~~~

That damn cupcake be scarin' me. He's sittin' beside Chica, smilin' creepily. I don't reckon he's realized that I can see his sinister smile from across th' cabin.

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