.°' 두❦ ➙ 05:06 ᵃᵐ

125 24 27



turns out the man from last tuesday evening was a friendly neighbor. the two met—well socially met when a follow request popped up in one of ami's social medias.

she didn't know what happened but it looks like she've exchanged numbers with the guy she saw at a random parking lot.

❝what time did the man go to the dentist?❞ he waited for ami's response patiently, trying to contain his laughter but failed miserably.

the giggles made her smile. ❝hmm..❞ amj hummed in contempt, trying to show that she was actually thinking instead of admiring his laugh and sweet voice.

❝tooth thurt-y.❞ his voice crackled and whale noise starts to come out from your phone. rolling her eyes she snort making jin laugh even more. a smile could be seen inside your dimmed lighted room.

❝hold up.. it's five in the morning already?❞ he mentioned, shocked, which made ami check the clock on her bedside table.

honestly speaking ami was busy enjoying the midnight talk with jin that she didn't even noticed the sun was starting to rise. ❝yeah..❞ ami sighed dejectedly. confused with yourself because of the sudden familiar emotion; sadness.

ami hears rustling from the other side of the phone. ❝hm, i just noticed it too when my everyday alarm clock went off.❞ after continues shuffles you heard a loud thump!jin?❞ she asked, a tinge of worry laced in her voice.

he chuckled. ❝yeah.. i'm here. sorry i just fell. it's dark in here.❞ ami didn't knew but jin's heart skipped a beat when he thought of you being worried of him.

❝we should go to sleep..❞ he continued, unsure with his reply.

i think we should.

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