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A/N: okay so I have decided that I'm gonna make a Part 2 since This is all I can make up since no one really request on his story since its not popular.... And MY other reason is that Hayabusa didn't apear much on the last one shot like.... -_- seriously he only appeared on the last part.

Well here you go enjoy!

[Hayabusa's POV]
I have been treating this girl's wound... glady I saw kagura last time and showed me the necklace I gave to the ninja girl I saved before... and It looks like I saved her once again...

I stop the bleeding to prevent blood lost.
I gave her wound some secret medicine from my Family Clan to stop infection from happening.(Just made that medicine up... but I imagine a hayabusa doctor skin😎.)

But she still had a fever since she was soaked in the rain. Now she is sleeping  in my futon... (while he didn't get any sleep... like for 2days caring for you ^-^... well maybe?)

I was just wondering why would she do that? why would she take the attack from hanbi just to save Kagura? if she could just ... oh yeah she can't do that...(Umm you know the teleport skill of haya?)

[Y/N's POV]

I Opened my eyes, ugh my back still hurts, and my head hurts, what happened?

wait where am I? I can't noticed the place since my eyes are still blurry since I just woke up...

so I closed my eyes and it got cleared, well I'm not yet in heaven so that means I'm not dead yet... so where am I? I tried to sit up.... but my back hurts... ouch Why does it hurts so bad...

"Don't force yourself, just take some more rest, you're lucky you're still alive from Hanabi's attack"

wait this voice... "Hayabusa?" wait what's the shadow of the shadowclan doing here?"What are you doing here Hayabusa?" "this is my home at dawn" "oh yeah... I remember now... I saved kagura by taking Hanabi's Attack and..." I blushed remembering what happened last time

"Hey are you okay?"he placed his hand on my forehead "Well it looks like your fever has worsen... well just rest for now" I just nodded and just slept

after several hours, I woke up seeing Hayabusa asleep while sleeping...

he looks so adorable while sleeping,I wonder why he wears that mask though ...

thank you haya, It looks like you saved me again... yes you always save me from trouble..

{Flash back}(You're only like 8?)

I was running away but my bullies captured up to me...since I tripped over a rock

I just closed my eyes and prepare  for their punches.

but none of their punches landed on me... I heared my bullies screams and their running.

"They're gone, you can open your eyes now"

I opened my eyes and saw a masked boy offering his hand to me and I gladly took it. "thank you for saving me from those bullies" No problem, I just don't like other ninjas bullying other ninjas, and don't worry about them this time, they won't bother you anymore"

"Oh I'm (Y/N) nice to meet you" "The name is Hayabusa, but you can call me Haya"

{back to reality}

and after that he saved me many more times at missions but he became more distant when the former shadow betrayed us... and he said he will go on his mission alone since it's his job and it's dangerous and he doesn't want a FRIEND to be hurt.(Friend zoned?)

"Oh how long have you been awake" haya place his hand on my forehead again "Well it looks like your fever is gone now, so are you hungry? well wait for me , I shall  go hunting now"

I grabbed his hand "What's the matter (Y/N)?" I Smiled at him "Thank you for saving me again"

"No it's my fault, I promised to you that I'll protect you and I failed to protect you from Hanabi, Sorry I should have never leave you alone." "Well it's my fault anyways... I wasn't able to warn Kagura and my body acted to take the blow... well sorry I'm just weak, I don't even know why the shadow wants to be friends with me" "Cause your smile is worth protecting... Well yours and kagura's smiles are important to me so I would want to protect you both"

I was about to ask haya about what he feels about kagura but... an embarrassing thing happened... and I'm so ashamed of it  (Yeah I'm just gonna call him haya since I'm  lazy)

"Are you hungry? well wait for me,I shall gather some food outside"

and with that he leaves... why does my tummy need to embarrass me in from of him?

(Since tummy needs food,we need food to live/survive)

After a few minutes haya returned with some(favorite fruits(Even thought his house is near at a village... well he wanted to save some money)

"Are you okay with fruits?" I nodded"Well I'm good as long it's still edible"

and we ate the fruits "So hows you wound at the back?"(Wait a ... never mind this is fiction anyways... )

"It still hurts but I can manage it" haya sighs "Well I must be finding the former shadow but, you're hurt so I might need to take care of you first before chasing the traitor... you are more important, I don't care if Hanabi gets the title, It's just a title  and a friend is much more worth it" I took his hand and smiled at him "Well don't worry, I'm sure Hanabi wouldn't be able to kill the former shadow" "Don't underestimate Hanabi, She's strong I'll give you that... but she has a slight chance of winning against the traitor" "and I'm sure you'll be the one whose gonna defeat the traitor" (A/N: Stop friendzoning HAyabusa... almost typed Hanabusa from vampire knight)

I stayed at Haya's place for some several days until my wounds get fully healed(What do you mean wounds? I though you only have one?)

and I have finally gathered all my courage to ask Haya with one thing... and I'm gonna give my all!

I tried to find Haya but I'm sure He's practicing with his sword outside... and It looks like I'm right. I watched him sway his sword and he stopped swaying his sword when he noticed me I  was standing there. "What's wrong (Y/N)?" "Oh Nothing,I just wanted to ask you one Question" "What is it?" "So what do you think about Kagura?" Hayabusa returned his sword to it's sheath? "Hmm... She's just a friend to me"  "Wait what but I thought you loved her?" Hayabusa chuckles "Oh I see, well I love Kagura as a friend, but she's not the woman I loved" "Then who? Hanabi?" 

Hayabusa sighs and in a flash he kissed me  and I was speechless about everything going on  and my face was blushing aswell"Does that answer your question" I Nodded at him while he chuckles  "this is the reason why I love you , you might not be strong like Hanabi or Kagura, but you're just too adorable " "Well I love you too since you always protect me" haya hugs me "And From now on, I will always protect you no matter what" haya and I kissed again (stop it haya!!!) "I will always love you haya" "And I will always love you to (Y/N)"  everything was sweet but one question in my mind ruined the mood "Hmm... Haya, How did you removed your mask quick?"

-The end (Part 3?)

well this is my pay back for you guys, for not updating ....

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