Chapter 1

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Tiana's POV

"You've got this."

Of course I've got this. I'm Tiana Dakoba.

I was standing at a corner of my Versace themed room, only claded in my underwear. Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I continued to chant my daily mantra to my self, boosting my already boosted self confidence and ego.

Starting a new school in an entire different state was no walk in the park but I can make it work.

I am after all,  Tiana Dakoba.

Moving to Lagos from Abuja was more or less like a blessing in disguise for me. For once, my parents' constant transfer from one part of the country to another worked in my favour. I really needed this move. Smiling to my reflection again, I muttered the mantra for the last time.

"I've got this." I smirked at my reflection. My gaze shifted to my cell phone, mainly to the Instagram page on the screen. I grimaced for the umpteenth time since I came across that picture.

Joel Bamidele and his new girl friend, Zaria Coker. I scoff.

When I was still in Abuja, one of my friends drew my attention to Joel Bamidele's page on Instagram and I surfed through it only to find out that he had moved on from me and was dating a basic chic. To say I was shocked was an understatement. I was mortified.

No one gets over Tiana Dakoba. I make sure I leave my imprint in your heart before I yank it off. I make sure you beg me to take you back. I am that bitch. Joel never did any of that. After breaking up with him in the most awful way possible, he moved away with his parents to Lagos. I forgot about him only for me to come across his page again and see that he was dating someone else.

The worst part of it is that they looked really good happy together. It was disgusting. But there was nothing I could do about it while in Abuja.

When my parents around our move to Lagos, I saw it as an answer to prayer. I stalked them all through summer break, finding out everything about both of them. Call me crazy, its my middle name. I even made sure to enroll in their school.

And here I am, getting ready to resume my final high school year at Limelight Academy. I'll surely make this last year count.

A knock came to my door, interrupting my train of thoughts.

"Yes?!" I snapped at whoever was disturbing me.

"Sorry miss. Break fast is ready." The maid called through the door. I could hear her voice quiver slightly and I smirked at how much control I had over her.

"Well, I'm not ready for breakfast!" I snapped again.

"But ma, you said..." She started to argue and I rolled my eyes.

"Will you leave the front of my door this instant?! You are disturbing me!" I yell and I heard retreating footsteps immediately.

Bunch of idiots.

I began to get ready for school, wearing my uniform. I had slim fitted my uniform skirt to accentuate my rather alluring figure, the guy magnet. After putting on my white stockings and black wedge boots, I sat in front of the mirror and began to apply mild makeup to my face before pulling my braids in a up do. Satisfied by my look, I smirked at my reflection.



Tyler's POV

I hurriedly tied the lace of black and white designer high tops before slinging my bag over my shoulder and making my way out of my room. I looked over my shoulder at my disorganized bed and shrugged, making an inner resolve to arrange my stuff when I get back from school. I was a prefect and it would be an aberration to be late on the first day.

Besides, artists are never organized.

Or are they?

Making my way downstairs, I heard my dad's loud chatter over the phone. He seemed to be having an argument with someone but I couldn't care less. I walked to the dinning table just as Kemi finished setting it with breakfast. She smiled at me.

"Good morning, Aunty Kemi." I flashed her a smile back.

"Good morning dear. How was your night?" She asked me and I nodded in reply,  settling down to have break fast. She dished my potion of Yam and egg sauce on a plate before setting it before me and I smiled at her in appreciation.

"You should eat well. You are getting skinny." She teased and I gave a mock grimace.

"It's called working out, Aunty." I told her and she rolled her eyes, muttering something like children of nowadays.

Aunty Kemi has been the one taking care of me since my mum died seven years ago. She was a woman in her late fifties and she has been like a mother to me, basically the only mother figure in my life. I even got to know that she was the one that took care of my father while he growing up.

Speaking of my father, he was barely around. Always had one business meeting or the other to attend to practically neglecting me. That has been the story of my life for six years now. Truth be told, Aunty Kemi was the only parent I really knew at this point.

The loud dragging of the chair brought me out of my reverie and I looked up to see my dad settling down at the end of the table, his phone still in his hand. I cleared my throat, hoping to get his attention but his eyes were glued to his phone.

"Good morning Dad. I greeted him. He looked up from his phone briefly at me and grunted out a reply. I almost scoffed.

"Debola, your son is greeting you." Aunty Kemi chided and that got Dad's eyes off his phone.

"But I answered him." Was his reply and I rolled my eyes, suddenly loosing my appetite.

"No, you didn't. That wasn't an answer." Aunty Kemi walked up to him and snatched the phone from his hand. "And how many times have I told you not to be on your phone while eating?" She scolded him. Drawing my chair back noisily, I got both their attentions.

"I should get going now. School will start in the next twenty-five minutes and I need to beat traffic." I told them in one breath.

"Iseoluwa, but you haven't eaten." Aunty Kemi said, calling me by my middle name.

"I'm not that hungry. I'd get something in school, don't worry. Bye." I snatched my bag and rushed out of the rather suffocating house. The driver was already waiting and as soon as I got settled in the car, he drove out of the compound and pulled in to the road. I scratched my forehead in frustration.

Well everyone, welcome to my perfect life.


I needed you guys to get a glimpse of the redefined version as soon as possible so I decided to publish chapter 1 tonight. What do you think about this introduction to our major characters.

Lemme know what you think in the comment section. Don't forget to go to Pabpub a give this book a wonderful comment if you like it. Rating can only be done when the book is complete so when it's complete, I'll send the link here so you can help me rate it.

Anticipate Chapter 2 soon.

Thank you!!

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