Chapter 5

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Tiana's POV

Signing up for the swim team was my only escape from all the hurt, sadness and jealousy I was feeling. I loved to swim and I was very good at it. Probably the only thing I'm good at. Hated to admit but, I kinda liked Joel. I was basically the only guy I probably actually liked. But, I obey only Ciara. Ciara tells me what to do and I do it. Ciara knows what's best for me.


I entered the in door swimming pool and saw other students that were ready to sign up having their seat on the bleachers so I did the same, my phone in hand. I was still typing away when someone came before us to speak.

"Hi guys. I'm Tyler Adebiyi-Williams and I'm your Sport prefect boy as well as the captain of the swim team."

I looked up at that introduction to see who it was and my eyes met the guy I've always been bumping into. My eyes widened in shock and I saw his lips stretch in a lopsided grin. He already knew I'd be here and he's definitely going to make this extra hard for me. After all, I've been really mean to him.

Fuck me.

He knew he was getting to me. He could see it but I wasn't going to give him that satisfaction. I scowled at him and he looked away from me to the rest of the students, putting his straight face back up and began to talk again.

"I'm glad you all signed up for the team but unfortunately there are only fifteen slots available on this team so fifteen of you will not to be picked, I apologize in advance." I stated. Suddenly, a groan was heard, a groan that caught everyone's attention that everyone looked to the direction it came from.


That's all it took for me to actually realize I was the one that let out that bored groaned.

"Is there any problem?" He asked me calmly and I found myself rolling my eyes at him, giving him a bored look.

"Can we skip the boring sermon and get on with the tryouts. I have places to be." I stated rudely, eliciting murmurs from the other students.

"Actually no,  we can't skip the boring talk. You have to seat and listen to this talk." He told me matter-of-factly and I frowned, shocked at his boldness.

"And I would do that because?" I sassed, giving him a one over. He squinted at me in return and he looked extremely annoyed.

"Because I'm your team captain and if you really want to be on this team, you will do as I say. Kapish?" He deadpan and I became awestruck at his mini outburst. No one has ever talk down on me like that and I felt extremely embarrassed. I looked away from him, not missing the smile that quirked at a corner of his lips.

"Now that we have settled that minor disturbance..." He continued, indirectly throwing shade at me and I glared at him in return. "Let's move on to how we are going to go about this try outs" he said

He spent another five minutes talking to us about the dos and don'ts before asking us to go change to our gear in the locker room. I followed the other students there because I was new and I didn't know the routes.

Getting into the Locker room, I realised I was the only SS3 student and that alone made the nervous but I decided to mask that nervousness with a lot of confidence. Holding my nose and chin to the air, I changed to my swimming gear and walked out of the room with the other students, trying not to feel self conscious about my body.

I wasn't fat or anything. I just had more curves than an eighteen year old should and it always had both positive and negative effects on me. Yes I get attention from guys because of it but at the end of the day, they just want me because of my body. Ciara says that's all guys want and I should give them what they want. I believe her. She knows what's best for me.

𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐬 (𝙱𝚃𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝚈 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙴𝚂 #𝟸)Where stories live. Discover now