What does Sierra do when some unknown boy started to text her?
Based on the movie 'Sierra Burgess is a loser'
Same starting plot but my version is without the catfishing.
some changes in casting.
I feel the running water fall down my skin. All the way down to my feet and then it disappears again. I really needed this steaming hot shower.
I get out. The mirror is damp from the hot water. So I can't really see myself. Which I don't mind cause I'm not very confident about my body.
After a while of spotting all my insecurities I clean the mirror and reassured myself by trying to be positive.
"You are a magnificent beast." I knew that it felled foolish so I just turned around with a sigh and took some clothes.
My name is Sierra Burgess and as everybody tells me everyday, I am a loser. I don't get on with people that well. I'm a socially awkward girl, very shy and very nervous all the time.
If you are wondering I'm not the skinniest girl there is, and I'm not too much. I'm average. And still not very confident with it.
I tend to wear baggy clothes so that's what I'm picking for today's outfit. A baggy sweater and some regular black leggings.
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When I got downstairs I saw mom and dad at the table eating breakfast. I kind of never eat much for breakfast but today I decided an apple will do. I sat by them at table.
"Good morning Sierra, how did you sleep?" My mom asked. "Dreamed my socks ate my feet again." I said laughing. They already know I can be crazy sometimes.
"Dreams are the bright creatures of poem and legend. Who sport on earth in the night season and melt away in the first beam of the sun." my dad said. "Dickens, too obvious."
This is something my dad and I always do. He's a poetic and I love poetry.
My mom got up from the table and said goodbye to dad. She needs to leave for work. She's a writer as well.
"Bye honey, wait you have toothpaste on your face." mom said while she wanted to rub it off.
"No no okay, won't you sell more books if you have the one teenager, who doesn't obsess over her looks?"
Both my parents knew about the insecurities I have and tried everything they could to help me above it.
"I'll pretend I don't hear the insult. Wait. I have a seminar and I want to run my new mantra by you. Okay? Finding love. L-O-V-E."
"L. Leave your insecurities in the bathroom mirror. O. Open yourself up to rejection. V. Slit your vein before you die of E. Embarrassment."
"That's beautiful mom." "Yeah?" "Yeah."
I was walking through the school halls with my one and only best friend, Dan. The most supportive friend you ever could imagine. He's always been there for me and always stood by my side. I was telling him what my mother told me this morning. About he whole LOVE thing.
"Okay, it's too bad your parents are over-supportive. Just this morning my mom said that she was gonna adopt her next kid, so he doesn't have to be such a crushing disappointment." He said telling the truth. I was gonna reply but was interupted by Veronica.
"Oh my God Kenny! Get it together!" she screamed because apparently Kenny dropped his books and she was shocked. Dan kept his phone out of his pocket and started filming.
"I've got to catch that." he muttered while Veronica kept on going.
"You know I really don't like her." Dan said. While we walked away laughing.
Veronica and I used to be very good friends. We were neighbours and were really close until high school. She got popular, I didn't. I got bullied and she didn't want anything to do with me anymore. Cause she would become less popular you know.
So we used to hang out in secret but that watered down too. And now she only smiles at me in the hallway when nobody's watching.
Her friends though.. They despice me. They know I used to hang out with Veronica so they hate me for that and I am reminded by that every day.
In English I always sit up front. Nobody cares anyways so I just do my thing.
"Last unit, we analyzed the finest poetry ever written, at which most of you failed so miserably you must have been using the pages as rolling paper." the teacher Ms. Thomson said.
"Pages are too thick." the boy behind me said and everyone gniffled. I on the other had took that comment to another level an thought it was about me..
"Now, I want you to focus on writing your own original poetry. You kids should be happy that I'm giving you some place to channel all this teen angst. Most of you just.. Sweat feelings. Know that once you perform your poetry in class, it will count as 10% of your grade." Everybody groaned. Except for me until..
"Maybe yours can be about your trans experience. Super tropical." Mackenzie, one of Veronica's new bitches called. But Ms. Thomson heard.
"And you can write about your horrible personality." "You can't talk to her like that. I'm telling.." Chrissy, the other bitchy friend of hers said. "The principal? Great. Then we can discuss your innovative use of birth control dispenser to hide the answers of yesterday's quiz. Ha what? You thought I just assumed you were extra-fertile? Haha come on Chrissy." She laughed and the whole gniffled again. Me included this time.
That moment the bell rang so we all got up. I usually leave when everyone else has.
" You're always the last one out. " Ms. Thomson said. "Thank you, but I don't need you to fight my battles for me." I said smiling. "Believe me, everyone knows that, I just really enjoy it. Sierra your last paper.. Really wowed me. I just know your poetry is going to outshine all the other poems in the class. It's in your blood."
"Is there maybe something else I could do for 10%? A video or.." "You're aware that this is an English class right? Is there a problem?" "Not one you can solve, but thanks for asking." I said leaving class.
As I was washing my hands in the bathroom Veronica came out off a stall and as usually she acts like a total bitch in front of her friends.
"Move it Frodo, before you break the mirror." I turned around and moved out of the bathroom as quickly as I could just to be bumped into by some jock.
"I'm sorry. Didn't you see me there?" he said mockingly.
When I entered my next class I sat beside Dan. Looking through the microscope in Biology makes me think about my day so far. This is why I don't like high school.
"For the next two weeks we will be learning about the basics of cell reproduction. Mitosis. If you look in your microscopes, you will see the fist stage of cell division. In which the chromatin condenses itself into two rod-shaped structures called chromosomes."
As the teacher kept on blabbling about the different stages of cells Dan started talking.
"I have to find a story for my vlog. If I don't get into any college, I can sell my vlog to Buzzfeed of Vice." "Or you could bank on your straight A's?" "What is this, the 90's? I got to create Google 2.0 or swim backstroke while playing the violin at the Olympics. Or create a new species of cat while volunteering in a third world country at the same time."
I just smiled at him as he brainstormed for his big idea for his youtube channel. As long as he doesn't get me involved I'm okay with it.