Chapter 1: Moving Along

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I never thought the day would finally come. I'm free. Well, not entirely but I'm mostly free. No more living with my mom and my little brother. I'm on my own now. This is it.

I'm kind of nervous to see who I'm living with. My realtor told me that the person was also looking for a place and that they're around my age, but she didn't specify what gender they were. God forbid it be a guy, my mom would flip if it was. She'll make me move out and I can't go back now. I have five more months of high school and I'll be out.

"Rubi, the truck is here!" I hear a shout from downstairs breaking me out of my inner monologue.

The truck. The moving truck. The truck that will move all my things, which isn't a lot, to an apartment across the city and closer the my school. The truck!!!

I run down the stairs with a box in my hands and leap out of the front door to see the marvelous truck. It stops and two men get out and open the back.

"Hey miss, what are we picking up?" One of the older men asks me.

"Up the stairs and around the corner on the left. Everything in that room is coming." I explain to them.

Without hesitation they head in the house. A second later, my mom comes out with tears in her eyes.

"My baby is leaving the nest." She says softly as she pulls me in for a hug.

"Mom," I whine. My voice comes out muffled due to her shirt in my face but she lets go after another five seconds. I'm eighteen and she has to realize I'm not gonna be her baby forever.

"I remember it like it was yesterday... you coming home with your father and I." She recalls and her mention of my father tugs at my heart.

From what mom tells me, he was a kind man and took care of us. I don't remember him much. Only that he was away a lot. He died two years after my little brother, Austin was born. Apparently there were early stages of heart failure that progressed rapidly.

"Rubi, darling you're spacing out again," my mother tugs on my shoulder

"What? Oh sorry. My mind got squirreled," I shake my head and look at the house.

The movers are coming in and out quickly with all my things and packing the truck. This really is it.

"Now you'll have to get a couch for the living room but other than that, you should be all set." My mother brushes my shoulders off.

"All packed up ma'am, the older mover yells from the back of the truck.

My mother bursts into tears again and hugs me tightly. I insisted on unpacking by myself. This will be my place without my mother's touch.

"Okay, mom I have to go. Sunny is at the place with the keys." I state, while getting out of her grip. Sunny is my realtor and a really nice lady.

"Call me when you get everything unpacked," mom chokes out, holding back more tears.

"I will if I remember," I say quickly and get into my car.

Starting the car, I pull forward and roll down my window," Just follow me," I yell to the younger mover.

This drive takes about an hour with no traffic. I drive a little over the speed limit while making sure the truck is still behind me. My school will only be ten minutes away now. I was lucky enough to get in on a scholarship to the best private school in the district. It was almost fifty minutes away from my moms house and I would get up so early just to be on time but now I won't have to worry about that anymore.

An hour passes and I pull up to the eight story building. Sunny got me a great deal and my apartment is even on the top floor. When I get out of my car Sunny comes out of the lobby and greets me with a smile.

"Rubi! How excited are you?" She beams at me. We've been talking for about four months and she's helped me through everything.

"On a scale of 1 to 10 I'd say an 11," I smile at her and look to the top of the building.

"So your roommate doesn't move in for another two days so it should be enough time for you to settle down," Sunny begins to walk and talk at the same time into the lobby of the building.

"What floor is this stuff going to, miss?" The mover shouts out before the doors close.

I run back out to them, "the 8th floor and it's apartment number twenty four." I give them the key so they can go up on their own because I still have to sign the final papers.

They open the back of the large truck and start taking things up as I walk inside the lobby again and see Sunny at a small room off the main foyer. A man sits at a desk and gets up to greet me when I walk in.

"Hi you must be the new tenant, I'm Jack Spencer. Everyone just calls me Jack though," he reaches his large hand out and I shake it firmly.

"Yes, I'm Rubi Lewis I'll be on the 8th floor in apartment 24," I smile and look at Jack

"Okay, great you just need to sign the lease here and you'll be good to go. I'll give you a packet with all the information you'll need and if you do have any problems later on I'm here everyday from 10am to 4pm," Jack says as he pulls out a binder and picks out a single sheet of paper that I need to sign.

"Now, this is a 6 month contract so you'll be fined $3,000 dollars if you break it." Jack says seriously without breaking eye contact with me.

"Yes sir, I understand," I nod and reach for a pen.

My hand is steady as I sign my name. I've never been more sure of anything in my life.

After that, Jack shakes my hand again and I walk out of the room. Sunny stays to talk to him some more and I spot the movers standing near the front doors.

"All done already?" I say, getting their attention. I guess I didn't have as much stuff as I thought.

"Yes ma'am but actually we didn't know where to put some of the stuff so we waited for you to show us where you would like them," the older mover says.

"Oh yea I didn't mention what room I'm in," I smile and they hand me my key.

We go up together in silence I feel bad because some of my stuff couldn't fit in the elevator so they had to go up the multiple flights of stairs.

After they help move my bed into my room I thank them and they leave. This is it. I'm home. My home.

As I walk over to the kitchen to put away the food the I brought my phone rings. It's my mom.

"Hey kiddo," she says first thing.

"Hey mom, the movers just left and I'm unpacking now. Do you need something?" I know she called because she already misses me.

"I just missed you that's all. I'm sorry this is just going to be hard," she says sadly.

"It was bound to happen one day," I retort. This is why I left. She treats me like a child still.
"I'll talk to you later ok? I'm going to unpack now," I say before she has time to respond I say a quick I love you and hang up before she can say anything else.

Unpacking in the kitchen goes easily and I make sure to leave space for my roommate to put her food and things. She moves in two days from now and I hope to be settled by then. The three day weekend from school really helps this situation. Walking to my room I stop at the door adjacent to mine and open it up to reveal a room identical to mine. The bathroom ends the hallway and the kitchen and living room are joined making it an open concept. The balcony off of the living room shows views of the gloomy city but it's too cold to go out right now.

The rest of my day is spent unpacking all of my things and organizing them perfectly. By the time I'm done I look at the clock and realize it's already 10pm.

My stomach decides to finally remind me what hunger feels like and I realize I haven't eaten all day. Luckily I had some snacks packed so I munch on those and finish filling my bookshelf.

I collapsed onto my bed and the day hits me like a brick. Too exhausted to shower I fall asleep on top of my comforter.

It has been a very long time since I've published anything on this app and me being 18 now with the vocabulary and imagination of an adult I feel it's only right that I publish something that I've always wanted to happen to me.

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