Chapter 2: Roomies

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I think it was the buzzing of my phone notifications that woke me up this morning but here sitting on the living room floor right now I can't seem to remember why I thought moving out by myself was a good idea.

It's raining today and I'm glad I was able to move yesterday with the good weather. I do need a few things from the store so I should go now before people start acting like they don't know how to drive in the rain.

"Where did I put my keys" I say aloud to myself while looking around the empty space.

Aha there they are. I'm going to get something to hang on the wall for my keys. Yes I need to make a list.
- Key rack
- Towels
-Slippers (the floors get cold)
- Soda/ water
-HDMI cable for the tv (6ft)

A knock at the door makes me jump and I put down my list.

"Hello? I was told someone was moving, in I live next door," I hear a mans voice on the other side of the front door.

Walking cautiously to my front door I open it slowly to see a man about my height in a floral button shirt and a pair of shorts that are shorter than normal men's shorts.

"Hi, hello I'm Rubi," I smile at him.

"Hey hun, I'm Caleb," the man in front of me introduces himself. "I just wanted to let you know I'm here if you need anything. My husband Lucas is at work but he's around too. You look so young how old are you? Are you new to the area? You need to have a bat if you're gonna be living alone," he says in a worried tone.

So many questions I don't know where to start.

"Come on in," I beckon him into my empty apartment.

As we make our way into the kitchen I answer his questions, "Yes I'm 18 years old and no I lived on the other side of the city with my family. I'm going to have a roommate but they get here in a couple of days so I won't be alone but I'll probably get a bat anyways."

"Oh how cute you're so young," he frowns a little and looks around the empty room."I know Walmart is doing a good deal on a futon. I heard that's what kids are into these days. It would probably look good in here," Caleb motions around the room.

"I was just about to go out and go shopping for things I need. I think I'm gonna wait for my roommate to get here so we can decide together and maybe split the cost of stuff like that," I explain a bit.

Caleb seems nice. I don't sense any threat from him and I'm glad I've met a neighbor already. He leaves after about 20 minutes of telling me about him and his husband and that they've been together since high school which is the cutest thing to me.


I've been in this store for three hours. Who knew decorating could be so stressful? I don't want to make the wrong choice and hate my place after a while and regret the things I buy. What I have in my cart will have to do for tonight I can always come back later.

The drive back to my new home was short. It took me three trips to get everything up to my floor and I just left it at the door so I can take everything in at once.

As I unlocked the door a pair of shoes caught my eye. Not my shoes, not my shoes at all. Men's shoes sat next to my front door. Large men's shoes.

I feel my heart drop as I walk farther into my apartment. Maybe it's maintenance coming to fix something and were considerate enough to take their shoes off  but I don't think they'd be wearing Nike Blazers.

"Hello?" I call out hoping a woman with really big feet answers.

No answer.

I shuffle in, bringing more stuff with me and set it in the living room for right now. I got a knife set for the kitchen so I pull it out and open it as quickly as I can. Taking the biggest knife I make my way towards the two bed rooms where noise is coming from. The shower is on and the light shines through beneath the door at the end of the hall. I creep closer as quiet as I can and reach for the handle but it's locked. Is someone really taking a shower? Maybe it's my roommate?

Here's the plan Rubi, wait outside the door until they come out. You have the knife you're in control.

The shower shuts off and I hear shuffling in the bathroom. This is it. As I grip the knife harder the door swings open and a tall dark haired boy steps out with a towel wrapped around his waist and water dripping from his toned body. He stops when he sees me and his eyes widen at the knife in my hand.

"Woah woah, princess no need for the knife." The guy puts his hands up.

Not just any guy this is Xavier Torres, the most popular guy at my school.

"What are you doing in my apartment?" I say quickly making sure my eyes stay on his face. Even though he has the body of a Greek god.

"Um this is my apartment," he says flatly still eying the knife.

I drop the knife to my side. He's not a threat.

"I'm supposed to have a roommate that's a girl that doesn't get here for another two days," I say to myself.

This can't be real.

"Don't know who told you that but I've already signed my lease," he pushes past me and enters the room adjacent to mine and shuts the door.
I head to the kitchen and two minutes later he comes back out in a pair of shorts and a t shirt.

"There must be a mix up," I put the knife back with the rest and lean against the counter to look at him.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" He goes for the fridge that has more food in it than when I left.

He doesn't know me. We've been going to the same school for two years and he doesn't know me. We've had homeroom together all year.

"I'm Rubi. We go to the same school," I grit out.

"Oooohh I think I remember you now. We have Calculus together, right?" He turns his head a bit waiting for my answer.

"And homeroom, and P.E," I list off the classes.

"You dated Richards? Collin Richards?"

His name hit me like a brick and I nod even though he's not looking at me. He turns around waiting for my answer.

"Yea, a long time ago." I look away from him.

"Look, my mom won't be happy to know I'm living with a man so tomorrow we'll go to Jack to see what can be done," I explain and look back him.

He's making nachos. "I don't mind the situation but okay," he doesn't look up as he answers.

"I'll be in my room" I say quietly as I leave the kitchen.

He says nothing as I walk away. How could this perfect situation go so wrong. I can't live with him. What would people think of me? What would Collin think of me?

The rest of the night I lay in my bed thinking of all things I'll say to Jack and Sunny tomorrow. Xavier puts music on and I can hear him from my room but I stay put and hope it drowns out my thoughts for the rest of the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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