44 | her

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"Natty?" Noah called out as he entered his apartment, hauling his suitcase into the entry way before turning to shut the door behind him.

Almost instantly after he turned around he was embraced by Natalia, her smaller figure wrapping around him while her head buried itself in his chest. "I missed you."

Noah chuckled, his arms encircling her waist as he leaned down to press a soft kiss to her hair. "I miss you too, angel."

She lifted her head, standing on her toes to kiss him, her hands moving to cup his chin. He reciprocated the kiss immediately, lifting her up gently and placing her between him and the wall. Natalia's legs wrapped around his waist, a small sigh escaping her lips as he deepened the kiss.

Noah's lips trailed down her neck, his fingers moving to graze the bare skin of her thighs. "I missed you, so much."

Natalia let out a soft moan, her hands shifting to rest on Noah's chest. "If we start this now, it won't end."

Noah chuckled raspily, pulling his lips away from her skin. "Why is that such a bad thing?"

"Because I would prefer to talk to you first, not jump straight into sex."

Noah let out a noise of protest as Natalia untangled herself from his embrace, making her way into the living room and sitting on the couch.

"I think you hate me." Noah said, following his girlfriend and plopping down beside her. "We've had conversations on the phone constantly for the past three weeks, why can't I kiss you now?"

Natalia let out a huff, rolling her eyes as she leaned over and sat herself in Noah's lap.

"You really have no patience for suprises, huh?" She let out, tugging off the oversized tshirt of his she was wearing before tossing it behind her and wrapping her arms around Noah's neck. "You weren't supposed to see this just yet, but I guess we have no choice, huh."

Noah's eyes widened slightly as he took in the site of Natalia's undergarments, his fingers moving to trace the lace along the hem of the thong that left little to the imagination.

Natalia shifted her hips closer to Noah's, her voice coming out as a whisper. "Do you like it?"

Noah nodded, his shift returning back to Natalia's. "I love it, Natty-" He began, then paused for a moment, letting out a sigh while shaking his head slightly. "I-I love you, and I know you said its too soon but I couldn't care less about some timeline that should be followed. If I killed the mood you had planned, I'm sorry but I-"

"I love you, too." Natalia said softly, breaking Noah's small ramble. He stopped, his eyes meeting hers once again. "What?"

"I love you, Noah Centineo. I thought it was too soon but I don't care about that anymore, all I care about is you and how we feel for each other."

Noah's lips formed a wide smile, one that caused unexplainable butterflies to erupt all throughout Natalia's stomach and caused her heart to clench in a way that only Noah could cause. She leaned forward without a second thought, closing the small gap between their lips.

The words were out there, and there was no taking them back. In the back of Noah's mind, nothing was too soon with Natalia. Their relationship started backwards and although some would say it would crash and burn, Noah had no intentions to ever let that happen, because all he cared about was her.

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