Chapter One

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"Ella Claire Hemmings! I swear to god if you don't get your ass back here I'll lock you away in a tower like Rapunzel!" Luke yelled after his little sister, watching as she walked away from him down the concrete hallway of the venue.

"You do know you're my brother not my parent, right? Your threats mean nothing to me." Ella shrugged, flipping her long hair over her shoulder as she turns around to stick her tongue out at him.

"You know what-" Luke rolled his eyes, starting towards the younger blonde who immediately squealed and attempted to run away from him. Unfortunately for her, his long strides made it easy for him to catch up to her with barely any struggle at all. He wrapped both arms around her waist, flipping her over his shoulder as he carried her kicking and screaming back to the dressing room.

"Unhand me, you hooligan!" Ella's small fists pounded on his back out of protest, but she knew it was pointless. This isn't the first time she's been overpowered by her brothers, who of course, were all fucking giants compared to her. When she was finally set back onto the ground again, she sent Luke a threatening glare. "I don't appreciate being manhandled. "

"Okay, first of all, stop trying to intimidate me. It's not gonna work, you just look like a teddy bear. And second, for the next few weeks, I'm technically your legal guardian. Which means you have to do everything I say. And I say that you're not going out to watch the show  in that outfit. Either change, or sit in here the whole time. It's your decision." The taller of the two blondes shrugged sitting down on the couch after he finish his mini lecture.

Ell looked down at her outfit, the ripped skinny jeans and satin crop top that she'd been looking forward to wearing. She didn't think the outfit was that bad. Luke was just being dramatic. "You're abusing your authority. And I don't appreciate it." The girl muttered, flopping down next to Luke on the couch with a pout on her face.

"I'm just trying to protect you, Ellie. It would be a different story if I could be with you, but I can't. Kinda hard for me to protect you from onstage." He said, poking his little sister's cheek, watching as her pout turned into a slight smile that she was clearly trying hard to fight. "Okay, fine. I'll change." Ell stood up, walking over to her bag and grabbing another shirt out of it. A mischievous grin came over her face as she walked into the bathroom. She'd been in quite the rebellious stage recently, which is probably why her mother had even agreed on letting her spend the few weeks before her birthday on tour with Luke. She probably just needed a break.

Once she locked the door, she slipped the longer shirt over top of the other one, effectively covering it up. Her plan was to take it off once she was out of Luke's sight, and then she could enjoy the show in the outfit she originally planned to wear, which was cute as fuck if you asked her.

"Okay, happy now?" Ella raised her brows as she waited for an answer from Luke, noticing the other boys had come into the room while she was changing. "Yes, very much so." He said, smiling as he came over to hug his little sister, leaning down to press a kiss to her hair. "Now run along, little one, the show is about to start!"

Ella pulled away from the hug, grabbing her phone and backstage pass from the coffee table before shoving them into her bag. "Have a good show, losers! Don't fuck it up." She said as she walked towards the door.

"Hey, make sure you come back here the second the show is over, or I'm sending out a search party. Also, watch your fucking language!" Luke yelled after her as she slammed the door to the dressing room closed.

Once Ella was sure she was out of Luke's sight, she took off the shirt that she had used to cover up what she really wanted to wear. Breathing a sigh of relief, the blonde walked towards the seat the Luke had gotten her a ticket for. She specifically asked if she could be on the floor, wanting to get the full experience of the concert.

Obviously, Ella has been a huge fan of the band since the beginning, but she hasn't had the opportunity to go to any recent shows. With her busy schedule, and the fact that no one even knew she was related to Luke, it made it kind of difficult.

It was never intended for her to be hidden from the world as Luke's little sister. She had been really young when the band started really picking up, and in and out of the hospital a lot due to health issues, and her parents just decided it was easier to keep her away from the public eye. Ella has even ended up posting a few pictures with Luke over the years, but fans had never ended up putting two and two together, so they never said anything. It wasn't until recently; like today recently, that people had started becoming suspicious. She saw a few tweets about it after she had finally changed her username on instagram from ellaclairexo to ellhemmings.

She had checked with Luke and her parents, asking if they would mind if she posted a picture with him after the show and confirmed it. Obviously they didn't mind, just wanted to make sure that Ella was happy and knew what she was getting herself into.

It was something Ella had thought about a lot. There was no way for the truth to be hidden forever, as Ella had always dreamed of becoming a professional dancer and felt that she was on the way to getting there. But, she had never wanted to just be seen as Luke's little sister. She wanted to be her own person, and she wanted to get to where she wants to be because of her hard work and talent, not Luke's fame. Anyway, this was something for a future Ella to worry about, as Ella right now needs to enjoy the show.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2019 ⏰

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