Hello Again!

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Well.... Hello there friends!!! It's been awhile, yeah? Does anyone even use this app anymore?

Anyways.... It's Bella! And I'm back to update my most popular story.... kind of. I've been wanting to update Tiny Dancer for a while now, but have completely lost inspiration (and to be quite honest.... I don't even know where I was going with that story anyways) so I made the decision to just completely start over. My style as a writer as evolved and changed, as have my story and some of the characters. But, if you loved Tiny Dancer, I can guarantee you will love this twice as much!! So buckle up, cause this is gonna be a wild ride!!

Before we start, let me write a quick introduction to my girl Ella!

So this story will be follow Ella Claire Hemmings, a fourteen year old girl. The face claim i have chosen for her is Ella Horan, an incredible dancer and one of the most adorable humans ever.

Ella's very strong-willed, incredibly sassy, and has a huge heart. She may be only 4'5 (to be explained later....) but she doesn't deal with anyone's bullshit. She's a dancer, has been since she was two, and she loves it more than anything.

Tiny Dancer (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now