It's Final

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Harry’s P.O.V.  

Harry gets out of his care and walks in to Jill’s house. As he walks in, he sees the kids watching TV and not seeing Jill he says hi to the kids.

 Charlotte, Briget and Sara-”DAD!!!!!” they all get off the couch and run to give him a big hug.

 Charlotte-”Where were you daddy?”

Harry-”Well I was….” *Jill runs down the stairs and stops  in front of them.* 

Jill-”Kids go whats TV ok? I have to talk to daddy for a bit.” as the run off, Jill grabs Harry by the hand and runs up the stairs , throwing  him in the room shutting the door behind her, and giving him a furious look.

Harry-”I just came to get my clothes Jill. You dont have to say anything. I will be out in 10.”

 -”I told you to leave and not come back in this house and yet here you are, standing in front of me hugging the kids like everything was ok?!?!”

 -”Chill alright! Just go keep the kids company and leave me to packing my stuff!”

 Jill turns back walking out the door and slamming it behind her. He just starts to pack and as he finished, the kids come into the room with Jill.

 The Girls-”We will miss you daddy….”

 Harry-*turning to them as he starts to get teary eyed “I will miss you guys too” *as all 3 run to him hugging him.

 Jill-”I will give you guys 5 minutes ok?” as she closes the door behind her and goes to watch TV downstairs.

 Charlotte-”Where will you go? Will you be ok? Will we still see you?”

 Harry-”I am going to stay at a friends for now so i will be ok… and of course you guys will see me just not everyday sweet heart.”

 Sara-”What happened anyways? Are you and mom going to get a divorce?”

 -*sighing loudly “When me and mommy got married, we were so much happier and times have changed over the years. We dont…. *sigh* its complicated…”

 Bridget-”We will miss you daddy….” *all 3 girls hug him tightly again as Jill walks through the door.

 Jill-”Time to go….”

 Harry gets up and grabs his bag, gives all 3 girls kisses on the forehead and walks past Jill down the stairs and out the door looking up once more at the kids who stand at the top of the stairs. He gives a slight smile and walks out the door putting his bag in the trunk and getting into the car. 

Harry’s P.O.V    

That went better than I thought. I texted Jen saying I was on my way back to her house and getting a text back saying ok. I think I may take her out again for all the trouble she has been baring with. Right now I don’t know if she’s a rebound, I don't want her to be I do truly like her I just… its just so much has happened in the past three days, I’m not thinking straight.

 *Harry arrives at Jen’s walking through the door. He sees her on the couch with a wine bottle half full in her hand and another empty*

 Jen-”Oh hi baby I’ve missed you I just….got a little thirsty waiting for you”

Harry-*to himself* She’s drunk and shes slurring her words.

 *Jen tries to get up but falls over into Harry’s arms again*

-”I was hoping you would catch me again (she leans into kiss him and he pulls away setting her down easy on the couch)

 -”Jen, what has gotten into you, did something happen?”

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