Chapter 7-New territory

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Hi guys! If anyone was wondering I changed Connor's name to Harvey, because this story is about him (HRVY). Plus it made more sense because he's actually famous. Enjoy the chapter!💗

*after school*

I couldn't stop thinking about our kiss. The way his lips felt on mine, it was something I've never experienced before. But I wanted to do it again. With him. I got tingles when I remembered the way his soft, gentle hands felt around my waist. There was something so comforting about it. I couldn't get him out of my head. While eating dinner with my dad, and falling asleep, I was dreaming about him, and only him.

*The next day*
Today. Thursday. November 14. I was so nervous for today, yet so excited. We didn't text at all yesterday, not like we usually do. But I was planning on changing that today. I wanted to have a normal conversation with him, laugh and smile until my cheeks were bright red. But on the other hand, I wanted to kiss his soft lips again. I wanted to hold him, while he holds me. I wanted him.

As I went into the library, I saw Harvey already blushing. He motioned me to come sit next to him, instead of across from him. When I sat down, his lips were only inches away from mine. Our heads moved closer, but I saw a teacher out of the corner of my eye, and quickly turned away. My plans for making this day normal were still very much going to happen. But as I turned to speak, he placed his hand on my upper thigh, in the most gentle of ways. I froze, shocked, but soon started to blush as he rubbed his hand up and down. The warmth of his skin on mine made me feel safe. I felt him move his hand as if to pull away, but I quickly grabbed his arm and squeezed my fingers into his. We were holding hands, while he rested his hand on my leg.

*Harvey's pov*
I stared at her gorgeous lips as she pulled my hand into hers. This is the first time I've ever felt like this. With anyone. It's different. And I want it to last forever. She stared into my eyes, as I did hers.
"So, what are we going to do at your house later?" she asked, with a big grin across her face.
"Well, we can chill in my bedroom," I said with a smirk. She slapped my arm with her free hand and laughed. Her smile always got me. It was one of the many beautiful things about her.
After class, Avery had to go to her locker. I waited for her, watching her put her things away. Just the sight of her made me smile. As she closed her locker, she looked up at me, blushing. This was still the awkward stage, but I didn't care anymore. I snaked my hands around her waist, bringing her closer to me, so we were only a few inches apart. I first stared at her beautiful brown eyes, then to her lips, and back to her eyes again. Suddenly, my eyes closed and my lips crashed onto hers. I could feel her playing with my hair, which almost made me shiver. Our kiss lasted only a few seconds, but when we broke, I could see on her face she wanted more. So did I. But I was going to see her soon anyway, so I hugged her tight, gave her a kiss on her cheek, and walked the opposite way.

*Kiara's pov*
I was in the main office to get a forum I had forgotten the other day. But when I walked out of the room, I froze, dead in my tracks. I saw Avery making out with Harvey. Harvey. The new famous guy who transferred to our school. What the fuck?! How did this girl manage to get it with him, she hasn't even had a first kiss yet. Well, nevermind that. I almost screamed, but stayed silent until they stopped. Once he walked away, I ran right up to Avery, screaming.
"Oh. My. Gosh. AVERY. FREAKING. WOODS. WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL." I yelled. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
"What? Ok so yes, we kissed. But we're still not officially dating yet, so be quiet." she said.
"Do you know who that is? That's HARVEY.
H-R-V-Y. He's the famous singer I was talking about. Did you really not know?!"
"What the hell! No! He never told me. This doesn't make sense." She still didn't seem to care she was just making out with someone FAMOUS.
"Whatever," she started. "I'm going to his house today so I'll just ask him."
"You're going to his house!? Send me ALL the details. You are SO lucky."
"Hey! Watch it! You and Devan were made for each other."
"I know. I love him, but it's not every day when your best friend is dating a famous singer."
She rolled her eyes. "I gotta go. I'll text you after. Later."
"Make sure you know the way to his bedroom!" I scream as I walk away laughing at my own joke.

Ahh! So this got intense quickly. Haha lemme know what you all think! Also I legit don't know how to write kiss scenes so sorry if they're a bit awkward.😳 Thanks for reading!❤️

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